I was getting those pre visit blues when you know the visit is only going to last oh so long before they leave again and then you're right back to more waiting. See this hits me pretty hard compared to most people because those who usually wait an extended period of time to see their SO's usually get a longer visit. Me? I wait a whole year and only get 2 days with him. Yesterday the thought struck me really hard when he brought up the fact that next time we see each other it won't be a year away (this is when we close the distance) so I counted it out on my fingers and realized it was 10 months away.

When I brought up the fact that it was close enough to being a year he explained it was closer to half a year, I could just SEE the smile that would have been on his face if we were talking to face to face, so I being horrible with math recounted and came up with the same number, that's when I had to ask. "Babe what are you talking about 10 months is closer to 12 than 6." and he explained that he decided he wouldn't be going back to school for his bachelor's degree meaning that he'll have more time to set up our place before I graduate meaning he'll be down here in May to pick me up to close the distance! My extremely long wait has now been shortened by 2 whole months! I'm so freakin happy I wanted to start crying when he told me. 8 months and I will be living WITH my SO after 2 years of waiting!

I just hope that we can make it once the distance is closed. I know our love will get us through anything we just need to learn to readjust to each other, I think I can handle that. I love him with all my heart and I can't wait to start my life with him.