Well my Thanksgiving weekend has not been a pleasant one that's for sure. Everything started out wonderfully Thanksgiving day my SO and I were both in great moods probably vibing off the holiday energy. I had a wonderful dinner and stuffed my face with all kinds of yummy food so it's no surprise I would have a stomach ache right? Boy how wrong I was.

I was nauseous all night and had intense pain I again thought I'd be better in the morning after sleeping it off so finally after getting so tired to the point I passed out I got a few hours of sleep. When I woke up the next morning my pain was worse and I started vomiting, of course all the while talking to my SO who was getting more and more concerned it was something serious so he had me call my aunt and had her take me to the ER because my parents were out of town. After waiting for 10 hours in excruciating pain and more vomiting I was finally taken to get my blood drawn and have a CAT scan. Well what they found was polycystic kidney disease, something that was genetically passed down to me from my father. Apparently it's not supposed to be fatal but with my luck who knows? Anyway so there I was in tears after hearing the diagnosis and all I kept thinking was how badly I wish my SO could have been there to comfort me (I'm terrified of needles and they did an ultrasound of my ovaries which was extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing). Of course my SO was frightened to death, he wasn't sure what was going on with me because he had to work while I was in the ER and had no clue what was wrong, he took the news just as bad as I did. There's no cure for this disease and eventually it could cause kidney failure, but there was nothing that the hospital could do so they gave me some pain medicine and sent me home. Now more than ever I wish I could just be with my SO...