So today I dropped the bomb on my mom; that I want to move across the country. I didn't tell her about my SO, I focused more on my other reason for moving up to NY and that is for a school that specializes in my area of interest. It's not exactly in the same location as my SO so I fudged it a bit, but hey I know my mom and I know how she'd react if I told her I was moving for a boy. I explained to her that I wouldn't really be paying for anything besides food and car payments etc. but all she kept saying was that she didn't know what to think. I told her I didn't need to hear an answer right away but I mean c'mon she didn't even ask anything about why I wanted to move or anything.

The next thing out of her mouth was, "ask your dad what he thinks." This took me a second to process, my mother and I both know my dad doesn't deal with these situations, or any situations really, he usually just leaves all the decisions and crap about our life up to my mom. Hence why I only brought it up with her, my dad doesn't do talking well and he certainly doesn't do stressful conversations well. I have no idea how to even approach the idea with him. Not that any of this even matters, I'm moving whether they like it or not, I just figured telling them now instead of the day I move better than just picking up and leaving but jeez I thought that my mom would want to ask questions or SOMETHING. Maybe she just needs a few days to process? I don't know.

Either way my SO and I have set a date that he'll be flying down here so that we can drive my car up there together. We'll be buying the ticket on Friday when I get paid and all I can say is: it's finally happening. After nearly 5 long years long distance with only 6 visits it's been a long journey and we are both just so done with it. We are cautiously optimistic that we'll be good living together full time and not be at each others throats because we're both just so mellow and I'll be looking for a job within the week I move up there so we'll both have our hands full. We've decided to stay with his parents the first 6 months to a year to figure out whether or not we can make it work together as well as to save up money and for me to find a job before looking for our own place. His parents have a decently large house and his whole family, parents and brothers included, all agreed that they'd love to have me stay with them so hopefully if I pull my own weight and contribute to chores and food costs they won't get too sick of me before we can move out.

This is a huge step for me, my SO is only the third relationship I've had and while we've been together for almost 5 years I still can't help but think that I met him when I was 15 and now I'm moving across the country, away from the only home I've ever known, to be with him. I know I love him with all my heart, I love his family, but more importantly I love the area to which I'll be moving to, even if it doesn't work out with my SO, which I highly highly doubt, I'd stay because the town is so wonderful. He's the right one for me right now, and hopefully for a long time, I want this to work and I'm willing to work my ass off for it. I don't care if I have to work 2 jobs to be able to afford a cardboard box or if our combined income will buy us a mansion, all I know right now is, regardless of where we'll end up, as long as he's by my side and we can finally be together like a regular couple the hard work and effort we've thrown into this relationship is worth anything and everything.

62 days until our journey across the country to our final destination and our life as a close distance couple begins.