So last night while in my apartment (I live alone btw) I was trying to watch a show. But periodically during the show I would hear this woman shouting but I couldn't tell if she was angry or just being loud. Eventually I realized that she was extremely angry and screaming at my next door neighbor. I heard her try and walk out the door but then it happened... he hit her. She started crying and my heart just dropped... But the worst part is he didn't even stop, he kept slapping her and shouting at her, and she was crying and screaming, and I heard EVERYTHING. Eventually my neighbors called the police, and I felt very relieved until I heard them say they were not going to arrest him because she covered for him... She let him slap her around and hurt her and get away with it. So not only am I living next door to a wife beater basically, but I thought about it almost the whole night. I can still hear her screaming in my mind and it was probably the second most horrifying experience I've ever had.

I was too scared to call the cops myself, I didn't want to get involved, especially since I live alone and i'm pretty small and fragile, whereas my neighbor that called the police is like 6'2" and really buff. I'd rather know hes a psycho and has no reason to attack me than know hes a psycho who now knows that I could have gotten him thrown in jail. Especially since he was let go. As crappy as that may seem :l.

This situation also raised all sorts of questions in my head like who was she to him? A wife? A girlfriend? Just a friend? It also made me wonder why some people let these abusive men go... I wish I knew so that it could make sense to me.

The only good thing I can say is at least I can count on my other neighbor if something happened to me, he wouldn't just sit there and let it happen.