Isn't being in love amazing?

I haven't felt this way about someone in a long time and i'm loving it. It's kinda scary too at times since if I lost him i'd feel so defeated. I've been in a variety of relationships, CD and LD, but none of those men come close to how amazing my current SO makes me feel. It's a little frustrating that I seem to form the best relationships with men online, but luckily this one isn't too far from me. We're about a 10 hr drive away from each other and he's more than willing to make that drive to come see me. I don't have my license yet which is kind of a bummer though. But i'm definitely going to help him with gas money an such.

We had a discussion yesterday about closing the distance... it was hard. I don't think those talks about totally uprooting your life are ever easy but i'm glad we had it. This is where we stand so far..

* We agreed that I should go see him in Michigan and he should see me in Pennsylvania at least once before we decide to close the distance.
* We both have our own places but his is bigger and costs more. My apartment is smaller but the perks of living there are much better than his place (my landlord is not a stickler about rent, he hasn't even cashed the november check yet. Internet, gas, electric, heat, and laundry are all included unlike my SO).
* I'm not as willing to move just yet because I still need to finish grad school and i'm pretty financially unstable since i'm unemployed. I also have no license. I'm not as concerned about leaving friends behind since I don't have many close ones, but I know I would be upset about leaving my family.
* My SO has a job but it's at pizza hut so he doesn't care much about finding a new one in PA. He has a car and is more financially stable than I am.
* He seems to be concerned about the crime in my area. I live in a sorta urban city where robberies and assaults are common (like in most cities) and he doesn't.
* However, he is very concerned about leaving good friends and a lot of family behind.

The last point is what got me. I would never want to take him away from his friends and family. I know how hard that must be.

Yesterday he told me he was 75% sure he would move. Which is pretty good since we never met. I told him that I'd look for grad schools in MI just in case. Either way i'm happy that we talked about it. It made me appreciate him more especially since I was quite down most of the day because we've been irritated at each other often lately. But when were good and happy, the feelings I have for him are unreal.

The honeymoon phase just might be over but i've had a warm heart n warm fuzzies this entire day.

Now that's gotta count for something.