So my SO and I have finally have the green light on our first visit plans. We've been together about 3 months and have plans to do a first visit by the end of February which is a lot quicker than I could have imagined considering it took my last LDR ~2 years to get to a first visit. HOWEVER I am the one in the relationship who cannot help pay for much of anything because I am currently unemployed and have a fantastic income of 0 dollars...

So, I expressed my sad feelings of not being able to contribute much to my SO because it just feels wrong to make him pay for everything. I really just wish I could just go half n half on everything. The good thing is I do have a place to stay so there's no hotel funds to worry about. It just hurts my soul to not be able to help.

I told my SO that I was worried about him spending too much on this trip and being in a financial hole when he got back to Michigan. This happened in my last LDR (although that was my ex's fault for being bad with money) so I'm a bit worried. My SO is not rolling in the dough either by any means but he's certainly better off financially than I am. He said he doesn't care if coming to see me hinders him financially because it's worth it, which is very sweet, but i'm still trying to accept the situation for what it is. I can't help but want to keep a mental note of all the expenses and pay him back...

Nonetheless my SO is extremely understanding to my situation since i'm not unemployed by choice but by circumstance. This is all happening so soon it almost doesn't seem real. All I know is, financially stable or not, seeing him will likely be the most happiest moment of my life thus far. He's definitely my soul mate ♥