I've been advised to write my feelings down lately, so that's what I'm doing here. I mean I might as well make use of this blogging function lol.

I love my SO very much and I love what he does. I come from a cop family so it's only natural of me to take an interest into what he does. His job is very exciting and I love it when he tells me stories about work. He has to deal with the absolute weirdest crap you could ever imagine and whenever he has one of "those" calls he always tells me about it and we laugh about it together. I just love these bonding moments between us so much that I really miss him when he's not around. He is just the sweetest guy I've ever met and he is only like that around me, which I think is absolutely awesome To almost everyone else, especially to people who really deserve it, he's asshole Matt (which is what he calls himself lol).

Lately, however, things have been getting more difficult. I guess it all started back in January when he started working nights. We both knew that this was gonna be hard, but I had no clue that is was gonna be like this. He is asleep when I'm awake and when he does wake up he has a little window of time to get ready for work, which makes texting him a challenge. I used to be able to Skype with him once a week, but now I have no clue when I can talk with him next. It's been a month since I last heard his voice and saw his face. I miss it. Yesterday I asked him if I could interview him for an assignment for school and he said maybe tomorrow. I knew better by now then to get my hopes up and I was right. Turns out that the viewing for the cop in his district that got shot last week is tonight and he's going to it. That's ok with me, I mean it's not his fault or anything. Things just keep getting in the way I realize.

It's probably going to take a long time before we could meet as well. We planned 2 times already but they were both foiled by his job. I'm pretty ok with it now though because the first time we tried it ended up being the weekend before finals and the second time was for this week, but I've been deathly sick this week. We are gonna try for me to visit him over the summer, but no plans have been made yet. I still need to actually talk with him.

So yeah, being in a relationship with him is not easy at all. I sometimes find myself being jealous of my friends who all have boyfriends who are CD and they get to do great stuff together all the time, while I'm lucky if I can get a simple text message from my boyfriend who can't really do boyfriend things with me. The loneliness gets to me so much that I thought about breaking up with him so many times. But then I remember who he is. I remember that he's not like other guys who say they love me but only because they want sex. He loves me for being me, and no guy I've dated has ever done that before and meant it. I try to tell myself how great it will finally be when I can finally be held in his arms and never let me go. He's seen my absolute worst side of myself and he wasn't afraid of me. He stuck by me when no one else could, and that is just amazing. When I think of him this way, it would be real crazy of me to let him go.

He trusts me a lot, so I'm gonna trust him. It's not easy for me to do, but I'll give it a shot because he's worth it. I wouldn't do this for anyone else I tell ya lol. And since our relationship isn't the easiest you may here me complain a little bit about him a bit more often lol, so I hope you all can put up with my bitching