I have a lot of things going on in my life, which I won't get into, and it seems as though moving in with my SO this summer may be a viable option. I know he'd be very happy about it. I'd be happy to be around him a lot (not 24/7 because I'd have work hopefully and summer classes) but I am an anxious person and so I feel anxious about the possibility.
I have some other things to figure out before I make that call but I guess this is an answer to a question I asked on here before about how to know when moving in is the right decision at the time. I feel like living together for 3-4 months will give me an idea of how it would be...although not really because if/when we are to actually move in together it will be in a place we both choose and both are responsible for. Still, I think it will be a close enough preview.
I guess I will know within a few weeks time what is to be by the end of next month...