I so much want to write a proper blog post. Several, even. But I can't for now. Hopefully next week.

In the meantime, I would like opinions on this situation regarding my cousin's wedding in a couple of weeks:

Last time I was in Finland I bought a dress. Remember when I blogged about it and asked for advice to pick one of the several I tried, and then I went to another shop in another city and bought a completely different one?

Well, I got this one:


As you can see, the model is wearing black pumps. When I paid for the dress I asked the sales girl if black shoes would be fine and she was like "oh totally, black is perfect". That's great, because I have new black shoes that I love.

So I wore it at a friend's wedding a few days ago, as a trial for my cousin's wedding, and I thought it was great and made my boobs look gigantic, which made me happy. But then a friend of mine, when I showed her pictures, said that it would maybe have been better if I wore a different kind of shoes. Either same color as the dress, but with silvery/rhinestone decoration, or silvery shoes altogether, since I'm wearing white gold/silver jewels with the dress.

So, should I? Finding shoes that exact same color is not really an option because I don't have the time to run all over town looking for it, and I doubt I can find them anyway. Silver-colored shoes would be easier to find, but I have a trip to Finland coming up and money is a bit tight. But if the majority of you believe I absolutely should get a pair, then I could spare the expense.

For what it's worth, here's a picture of me after the wedding. http://uppix.com/f-DSC041135225e1ee0013d8f2.jpg (I looked terrible, face-wise, hence the black bag over my head)
