Everyone is blogging, so why not Zoidberg?

I am getting fed up with this weather. It hardly ever goes below 20°c in friggin' February! Even at night, it's usually 15°c! It rained for about three weeks since November, and that's it. I don't know what to wear anymore. I'm stubborn so February means coat for me. And then I feel stupid because I'm melting inside my coat most of the time! This winter has been a disaster so far :/ (I know, I know, I'm complaining about this when in other parts of the world people are drowning or breaking their backs from shoveling snow, sorry!)

My birthday was okay. Got a few phone calls and text messages from family and coworkers, and it reinforced the realization that I don't have friends anymore, which is fine. Totally my fault. If I don't see you everyday, I will generally not make an effort to contact you unless I communicate with you online. So basically some of my coworkers are my only friends, and when I leave this job I'll probably lose touch with them forever. Oh well. Anyway, my sister brought this delicious chocolate cake which I loved, until she admitted she got it from my cousin's bakery, when I had specifically asked not to get me my birthday cake from there >:{ I used to like this cousin well enough, until I had to hang out a lot at his house because his brother was getting married, back in September, and I got a nice look at what kind of an asshole he and his brothers are. They are jerks, and treat their mother and sister like slaves. I don't want to be around people like that, family or not. I don't even like their father (my mother's only living brother) that much anymore because I don't think he cares about his sisters as much as they care about him. But of course it's hurtful to say things like that to my mother, so I keep my mouth shut.

Speaking of cousins, I have another one who recently got engaged. He is the biggest loser there is, can't keep a job, spends all his money (and his mother's, and other people's) in night clubs, drinking and whoring. He dropped out of school at 12 and is plain stupid. And yet he's marrying a woman who has an engineering degree and a very good job, and who is supposedly super nice. I don't get it. What is wrong with people? This guy is a perv who was hitting on me and my younger sister like three months ago at our cousin's wedding!! And when I voice this kind of opinion people act like he is doing this girl a favor because she's not pretty enough and anyway, a woman must marry eventually and if she loses up on this opportunity, another might not come. *brain explodes* I'd like to say that hopefully she'll regain some sense and break it off (they had only known each other for a few weeks before the engagement, I kid you not) but they've already set a date and everything. Gods have mercy.

We had this big event at work to celebrate our new offices, to which we invited all our clients and some suppliers. It was pretty crap, but nicely organized. The food was decent at least! I had to borrow a dress from a friend because I have grown too fat for most of my nice clothes. Except the ones I left in Finland, but they are in Finland I don't think I looked that good, though. Time to pay more attention to what I'm eating. I have become an eating machine and will eat whatever is the least healthy, without any self-control. I'm ten kilos heavier than I was last summer and I really want to go back to how I looked then.

Last Saturday was my father-in-law's birthday. I texted him as I always do (calling is a bit awkward because he's not talkative at all) and he responded saying (among other things) "I'm afraid I'm getting old." That made me a bit sad. I love the man very much, and he is indeed getting old (71) but I hope I'll get many more years to get to know him better, and also to give him grandchildren. At least he has a grandchild now, and she's growing into an adorable little girl Can't wait to see her again, but I feel like I'm missing out a lot. Next time I'll be in Finland she'll already be eight months old, and probably will cry when I try to hold her or play with her.

Tomorrow is my brother-in-law's birthday (Not Iina's father, the middle son) and I was thinking of calling him instead of texting. I'm closer to him than any other member of my SO's family and I feel that maybe texting would be a bit too impersonal. But, again, he's not the most talkative person out there and it might be a bit awkward. I guess I'll make the decision at the last moment!

What else? Oh yeah, I'm dying my hair for the first time on Saturday. No fancy, crazy color though. Just regular dark on dark, as the goal is to make those pesky white hairs disappear (I'm getting too much of the stuff and I can't just pluck them all off, it's terrible) I'm pretty sad about it, though, because now that I'll start dying my hair, I'll have to keep doing it regularly, and I probably will soon forget what my original hair color is like. And I love it, or I would have dyed my hair much earlier than at 31 years old Just hope that I'll still look like myself.

I have run out of random stuff to talk about. See ya!