Bullet point time!

Health stuff:

I took the pills the doctor gave me for five days, which were supposed to start a fake period. They worked! I was very stressed about it taking its own sweet time and starting right before I went to Vienna, but luckily it was much earlier than that. However it's still going on, which will make my waxing session tomorrow rather awkward and uncomfortable (usually by the 6th day I just have some light spotting, but somehow this time I'm still properly bleeding) and it will ruin first night sex. But there's no way around it. I'm glad I'm done with that treatment because the heavy dose (two pills a day instead of one) was giving me some intense abdominal pains daily, at random times.

Anywho, I took the blood tests (and paid a lot of money for those, too) and as suspected, my hormones are doing their own thing. Testosterone is too high, and so is another hormone which we call LH but I don't know if that makes sense in English (it's the one that makes you ovulate, basically) and it confirmed PCOS. But it's an early stage, though. Also thankfully my TSH levels are good (thyroid-related) and so is my blood sugar (PCOS can give you diebetes) Anyway, she gave me the same drug I took to start my period, only at a regular dose, to make sure I get a "normal" period next cycle. Then, at specific stages of the cycle I'll have to take two pills, one to lower my testosterone and one to deal with the LH and the microcysts (latter is actually a good old-fashioned birth control pill). After two months of treatment I'll go back to her and we'll see what's up. This concludes my tale of ovaries.

Vienna stuff:

I'm ready to go. I'm so looking forward to it, for obvious reasons, but also because I really need a break from work. It's driving me nuts. The weather is apparently going to be amazing, so that's a bonus. We've finalized details for our lunch date with Lilly and her SO, which is great I don't have much else to say on the subject, actually. Just that I won't forget my camera and charger!

Other stuff:

I think I'm more excited about my June visit to Finland than this upcoming trip to Austria (btw, Moon, have you set dates for YOUR trip?) probably because it'll be more relaxed and we'll get to do regular relationship-y stuff like grocery shopping and cooking and watching TV. And it will be during the World Cup so we'll have friends over/will visit friends to watch the games together. And of course seeing the family, whom I miss very, very much.

Another thing that came up recently was the possibility of leaving Finland together at the end of the visit. You see, like me, my SO works for a French corporation, and every summer they have this company convention kind of thing. Since the bulk of their employees are located in France, it's always been held somewhere in the country. In 2012 it was in the Alps (Timo missed that one because I was in Finland at the time) and last year it was on an island off the coast of Brittany. He did go, and it just so happened that we left Helsinki on the same day, but on different flights (I always take the 12:15 one to Paris, and he left on the evening flight) which sucked. This year they're doing this thing again, possibly on the Wednesday I'm leaving on (I always leave Finland on a Wednesday, somehow) so we decided he'd ask his boss to book him a ticket on my flight to Paris if it's the case. I'm so excited about this because frankly, landing in Roissy CDG by myself is one of the most depressing things ever. If he's with me I know I won't feel so crap, even when we say goodbye. So let's hope they keep the same dates as last time!

I think I'll stop for now. Cheers!