Well, I just worked an 8 hr and 15 minute shift at work going on three hours of sleep be ause the night before I had to close and had to stay twenty minutes after. Needless to say, I'm exhausted. Thank goodness I have my whole evening to myself! It make me happy, and plus, I have a day off tomorrow as well!

Which I have plans for due to needing a payment plan set up for college so that I can get a scholarship to pay for books. I'm anxious to start college, I have people at work who think I can't pass all of my five classes and still work around 36 hours. Well, I'll show them! I'll do it because I have no other choice. If I don't work, I have no one to pay for anything for me. My mom is hopefully going to pay for college, but I'd like to help her out with that obviously. That'll be one expensive schooling that's for sure. I'm too poor to pay for it all up front, and too "rich" to get financial aid apparently. So I'll be applying for next year's scholarships like no one's business. Anywho, I'm excited to start my classes, I suppose I'll need to buy school supplies as well..

How's life been, you ask? Right now, it's peaceful.I feel at ease right now. Ask me tomorrow and it may be a different story. Some days I can hold back the twins sadness and loneliness back a lot easier than others. I've been trying to stay busy, I've been journaling almost every day, it helps me clear my head. It's hard, and I'd like to say "With every day that passes it gets easier. =)" but it doesn't. It's hard, and sometimes I think it just gets harder. One thing is for sure, I'll never take another day with him for granted, ever.
There's a quote that says, "You knew what you had before you lost it, you just thought you'd never lose it."

I never realized how true that was. All the cute things he ever told me, every phone call. Yes I treasured those, but at the same time, I knew that more were coming the next day, and the day after that. I just never thought there'd be a time that I'd be without those, never thought there'd be a time where I'm without him.

Now, I like to think I'm a pretty strong individual, that I don't whine about what happens in life because I know not many have what I have today. Many people don't wake up to see the next sunrise, tomorrow is not a given for ANYONE. I also think I'm strong because I don't like other people having to worry about me all the time, that being said, I've learned that if I'm sad, then it's okay to cry and to get it out of your system. If you're afraid or worried, that's okay too. I'm not a saint though, I'm not perfect, no one is.

Someone once said that "Patience is not the act of waiting, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting."
Lately this has been hitting home for me, anyone can wait. But to wait and have a good attitude about it, that is rare. I try as best I can, but some days it does get to me, and I've learned that those days while they seem like they just don't end...they are not around forever.

I'd like to know from you guys, hoping I can pull some strength from you all, what are your favorite quotes that have helped you get through a rough time? Or what quote holds a good meaning to you?