So as the title says, babies are EVERYWHERE right now. It really is the year for having babies, everyone I know is having one, or has had one this year. It's absolutely insane! Don't get me wrong, great for them, but it's still crazy.
Anywho, one of my co-worker/friends at work is getting ready to have a baby boy in December. So I'm looking at baby stuff to get her for her baby shower, and thanks to pinterest, here I am looking at all these cute things and suddenly I'm feeling like maybe I do want a baby in my future. Then I remember everything that comes with pregnancy and I'm like "Yeah, nope! Not for a while anyways."
Afterall, college, marriage, THEN baby. Don't get me wrong, I think I want one, just not right now or even five years into the future.
I want to get all my affairs in order before I have a baby, I'm just not ready for one yet.
So my friend and I were talking baby names, and I kept thinking of these two girl names that I absolutely love right now: 1.) Adelaide and 2.)Charlotte
For a boy, the only name I like is Gabriel.
She's thinking of Lenny Caiden for her baby. I came.up with caiden. =)


Alright so my best friend from high school is going to get married to her boyfriend (who she has a child with) sometime within the next couple of years. (They're waiting until they get this house to live in.)
Anywho, I told her I couldn't wait to be there, and she was like, "You mean you can't wait to be in it, right?" YES!!
I've only ever attended one wedding, for family I actually knew, and now I'll be IN one! I'm so excited!


So, this girl at work quit yesterday, so I had to do HBC (beauty aisles) which are hell! Everyone hates HBC. I rushed and got it done an hour before I was schedeuled out, which made me happy because the manager in charge said I could leave if it was done, and it was, but then cat wall wasn't done so I had to stay and help with that. "Cat Wall" is turning all the cat cans so that the cat faces towards you, they have to be three cans high and it has to be done EVERY night. Truthfully it's a pain.
Overall, this last weekd has been pretty good, all things considered.