All the time when I mention that not only am I in an long distance relationship but that we also do not get to talk often because of being militar-ial as well, I get comments of, "You are so strong, I could not do that." I know they mean well, and I do not say that it irks me or anything like that, but this picture seems to portray how I feel.

We all do what we must for love, whether that be distance or not we all sacrifice something for love do we not? I do not believe I am any stronger than any other girl/woman out there as we all have our own struggles to deal with and with struggle comes strength. Every single day- even still now and the future days to come I allow myself to break down, and guess what? That's okay! As long as I can find the strength to pull myself up by my britches and go on about life.

To be honest, this blog is completely jumbled and I actually have no idea why I am writing other than I happened upon this picture that happened to say everything I have wanted to tell others when they tell me that I am so strong for being in this relationship, just a couple things:
  1. I am not anymore strong than anyone else, we are all equally strong, simply because someone goes through what seems like more struggles does not make them strong
  2. You would do what I do if you had to (as many of us on here know because it's not exactly that we chose to be in LDR's)

We all do what we must for love. The preceding continues to be my reply when people say that they could not be in and LDR, that they just aren't strong enough. By doing what we must our strength is brought out. The strength we had inside us all along. Everyone is strong. Anyone can be strong,

Thanks for reading (or trying) this. I just had to get this jumbled mess out of my head you guys.