It has been too long since i have actively posted here. Sorry guys, life has just been so busy. I'm working as much as I can and then on my free days I'm blogging. I am one exhausted girl i tell you what. This is just going to be a short update kind of blog for you all- or for whoever reads this i guess lol
Yes my SO and I are still going strong- there's been a hiccup along the way but nothing that we can't overcome of course. I'm also thinking of searching for another job right now actually because my manager is retiring and there won't be a single manager i can work productively under or- get along with after she leaves. Ah well, if I get another then i get another, if i don't I'll be here at this job then and i guess that's fine too. It pays the bills.

Can't promise I will be posting as actively as i once have on this forum, but just hope everyone here is doing well and is happy and I'll be checking in when i can