So, I'm sure this won't surprise anyone- or hell, maybe it will- who knows! Well it's taken me quite a long time of soul searching and thinking but i have made a decision.
I decided to break off things with my ex. I won't bother with many of the details but let's just say i was unhappy, I wasn't treated like i should be, and i just overall deserve better. Am i sad to see it go? Sure, because i knew what it could have been but now i can't see that any more and that makes it a lot less sad. So I am no longer in an LDR but i love this community and therefore i will stick around. I wish i could type pages and pages for this blog but honestly, i just don't feel like it. The flame of the relationship had blown itself out by july 20th or so...i just didn't want to accept it.

About a week or so ago i began talking to a guy. We're both taking it really slow. Perhaps in a while, I'll post a blog about him... but who knows. Get this, he's in the american army (he's getting ready to get out) and imagine that! He finds time to text me and call me throughout the day- I'm just sayin. He's understanding and sweet and it has been a pleasure getting to know him. I'll be honest i quite like him. We are scheduling a trip for sometime after christmas. I'll be going to him in florida as i have cousins i have been wanting to see down there too and I'll be taking a cousin with me and this is pretty much a sure thing.

Any who, That's what's been going on relationship-wise and i have been dying just to write it out and get it out here for you all to read.