Sooo it's been confirmed! I might go to third shift within the coming weeks! YES! It'll be hard to adjust my sleep schedule, but it'll be well worth it I feel. I'll be getting full time hours at 40 hours a week so that'll be so nice, I need to save up to fix my car before it dies on me.

I've also decided since lately I haven't watched what I'm eating that I'm going to start again. No candy or pop for a month is what I've just decided to do- I'm hoping I'll lose a few but even if I dont, I know I'll feel happier and it'll be better for my already so sensitive teeth.

Onto the love life, well it's somewhat nonexistent. Being that the guy I put in my.last blog has decided that he wants to be just friends because he's going through so much with leaving the army, his family, and just getting out of a bad relationship (which.I had NO idea about, that would've been nice) and as usual I agreed but the ball is in his court I wont put effort and time into someone who I don't feel is worth it, I lost so much time defending my ex I won't stand to be strung along and wait for anyone anymore. He knows where to find me if he decides those deep feelings he was starting to get was worth it. And of course, if I don't text first then no communication.even as friends happen so I'm stopping that, as of right now I care about his well being as any friend would but I will not be the one to continue feeling something for someone who I feel has led me on. If he seeks me out in the future then that is his choice and it would be mine to decide if I want to bother or not. I still am contemplating a trip down there strictly to see family so that may happen. I don't want to jinx anything right now but I have been talking to other people and I have to admit I have a preference for one in particular...if something actually happens, I'll let everyone know but until then I'm going to slow down with this and savour the moments.