Well it has been a little while. I actually wrote about 6 blogs since last time and this time but kept deleting them when I was done. They were mostly me just being whiny. I've been on an emotional roller coaster the past 3-4 days I guess. Its been pretty hard on me or rather just exhausting. A couple nights ago it got to a pretty low point. All day yesterday, I felt very hurt. I have not felt just so hurt by anything emotionally in a very long time and I just didn't feel like talking much about it at the time and I think, as a result of everything, I was being distance from my SO even when we were talking and it may have worried her. There were a couple times when I tried to say something and every time I did she had to go and do something and that was frustrating me too. Anyways, I went to sleep very early and woke up late. My wonderful SO had wrote me a beautiful and long text message. So I feel a lot better about things today. We talked for a little while too. It was nice.

Also, I still have not heard anything for the place I applied to for a new job. I was really hoping for it too. I would've thought I would hear by yesterday as the person who interviewed me made it sound but I guess I will give it today and Friday. If I have not heard by then I suppose I need to move on but I was especially hoping for that one as the pay was quite good for entry level work.

Nothing much really happening for me right now but, it has been awhile since I wrote here so I thought I would update a little.

If you read this thank you. If you are in an LDR then I wish you much happiness, strength and luck!