I don't know where I'm going with this blog. I have freaking terrible period pain thismorning, but I'm kinda greatful for it because at least it's not another hormone-induced migrane. I have a feeling I need to get off these BC pills, but with no health coverage and the girl who gives me my pills now living in a different provence it just isn't that easy. Yes, my hormones are whack all over the place, but that's better than a kick in the stomach from the inside. Looking forward to going home and seeing a doctor, that's for sure.

Another thing almost constantly on my mind is weight gain. I know I know "You're tiny Miriam you have nothing to worry about I'm so jealous of you..." Shut up. That will be all. I can't stop gaining weight. I can't wear half my clothes anymore and the weather is getting warmer, soon I wont be able to hide inside my fat clothes >.> I either have to buy new clothes in a bigger size and admit defeat or I have to lose this weight.

I'm trying for the second option obviously, and I've been on this health kick for what? Three weeks. I've eaten basically nothing except cerial and veggies for two of those weeks. I've stopped drinking soft drinks. I'm eating smaller portions and not snacking in bed. But I'm still gaining weight, and I don't freaking know why. It's a little terrifying. I've never felt this out of control with my body before. In the past I was going on diets to gain the weight back, not to lose it. So, like WTF?
I know I need to exercise more. I have to find a way to make myself do it on the days I work. But even so, it's not like my lifestyle is a lazy one. I walk for more than an hour every day, and I work a physically demanding job. It's not like I'm sitting on my arse playing WoW all day, but I may as well be for what my body looks like.

Distressing. Hopefully writing this will give me the kick I need.

In other news, Obi's sister is still irritating me. She was talking to Obi the other night (messenger) and I was reading over his shoulder. Anyway, she was going on about her Uni courses, and then out of the blue she's like "I'm talking about Australia". She must have thought she was hinting, but Obi's a guy so he didn't catch it, and I was giving the benifit of the doubt. You know, maybe she's telling him this stuff because she wants him involved in her life? Ha, no.
So it went like this:
Her "I'm saying I can't take a semester off Uni because I might not be able to take those classes again for three years" (Also, if anyone knows if this is true, please comment. Because I really don't know, but it seems off to my Aussie self)
Him "Well, you don't have to take a semester off."
Her "I do if I want to go to the wedding and spend three weeks in Australia and visit California on the way home" (She wants to go to Disneyland, she goes every year.)
Him "You don't have to spend three weeks in Australia. You don't have to go to Cali on the way home."
Her "But I want to"
Him "You could come to Australia for a week just for the wedding and it wouldn't upset your schooling any more than getting a bad dose of the flu"
Her "I can't go to Australia just for a week."
Him "I'm not asking you to take a holiday, I'm inviting you to my wedding. You can holiday in Australia any time, we're going to be there a few years."

Anyway you get the gist. She went on to say she's sitting there practically crying over it, and that she's still going to try and come, but all the while saying basically that she wont because it's a waste of money. Yes. The plane ticket is expensive, I get that. But she's not poor. Very far from it in fact. And it's her brother. Gah. So there's the update on that situation.

Personally I don't care if she's there. I like her a little less every time we have contact with her. But, I know that Obi craves the same support from his family that he sees me get from mine and I don't want him resenting me somewhere down the line because we had the wedding in my country. I'm tempted to just give her the money, but I know she wouldn't appreciate it. *Sigh*

On the bright side, the belly pain has passed during my whinge, yay!
I might be back to rant more later. I've very talkative today.