I know some of you are only here for the bloggage, so here's a repost. I'd appreciate ideas n help n stuff. <3

Originally posted by Zephii View Post
So, when my mum got married, she carried a bible. A tiny white one that I assume was specifically designed for the purpose. There seem to be a lot of types of bibles.
Anyway, I always liked that. I have always thought the boquet of flowers thing was lame, even though I understand where the tradition came from and such.

Being engaged, I've been thinking "what do I want to carry down the asile?" and not being Christian, a bible would be hipocritical. Now, Wicca doesn't have a holy book, unless you want to count the gospel of Aradia, which I just started reading but it appears to be utter nonesense (fake!).

Soooo, I'm going to attempt to make my own book, like I used to in my teen years haha. I want to include little poems, quotes, song lyrics... I think I might ask our families to donate one picture from each of their wedding days too.

This is where you come in. I consider many of you here to be friends. <3 But sadly, being from all over the world it's not practical for you to come to my wedding. I was hoping some of you might like to donate/suggest your fave marriage related quotes, songs, advice, or whatever. It could be anything, I don't want to limit your creativity!

I don't have a printer! I have to write it out by hand for the most part, so short-ish pieces are best (under 1000 words).

Additionally, I was hoping some of you might like to write me/us a letter and mail it to me, so I can glue it in. IM me and I'll give you my address if you want to do this and I don't think you're a creepy stalker.

Anyone want to help with my little project? It could be fun! Please?