I wonder what he has planned for me. I asked him to do something nice for me seeming today was my last day at work (and I'm sure everyone is aware how much Miriam hated that job but she stuck it out anyway!) and I know he's not taking me out to dinner because I just texted him to ask if his parents are cooking for us and he said we're eating here. (I'm a tiny bit disapointed at this, but I know its for the best because we need to not burn holes in our pockets) So... I wonder what he's come up with! I'm a tiny bit nervous actually. He's very bad with coming up with something on the fly - I'm usually the creative force in our relationship - and I'm a bit scared I'm going to be disapointed again. Last time I asked him to come up with something was my birthday, I'd asked him to take me somewhere I'd never been or take me to do something I'd never done... and when the day rolled around I was quite disapointed
In the end I picked something and we went and had fun anyway, but it would be nice to be surprised occasionally or not have to be the one to come up with everything. But yeah, now when I get excited about something there's this little dark cloud on the edge, wondering if he's going to let me down.

Luckily it's a small thing. Price of admission!

So today was my last day. I'm free. It's over. No more poo stories. No more being stuffed around, getting called in at the last minute or being told my shift is getting cut when I'm already half way to work. No more dealing with exploding toilets, chunder in the carpet, fighting for towels, finding nipple clamps or half eaten chicken or lost socks under the bed, no more condoms flung across the room for me to pick up, no more nasty surprises in the ice pail, babies nappies behind the furniture stinking up the room, yellow puddles of pee on the floor... No more shaking with exhaustion after long weeks with no days off, no more crying in fear of having to face another day of it.... It's over.

Going to go out the back and have a rum with the parents while I wait for Obi to get home. And try and let my unemployedness settle in.

17 days until I fly out, still no visa.