I have neither the time nor the data to make this blog, but somehow I don't care!
We had our first ultrasound today and it was... just so unbelieveably special.

I've had ultrasounds before and not really been able to tell what was what, but this? This was like looking in a window. It was right there. We saw it roll over, and move it's little arm-buds (it doesn't have proper hands or anything yet)... and the most amazing thing ever... we could see it's heart beating.. This beautiful little flutter...

It's real. And it's still alive in there. (I had some mad fears that I'm sure are perfectly normal)

It was a big thing for Obi too. He sat there and held my hand. I'm so glad he took the time off work to come.

After we left, he said to me, "you should have seen your face... I imagine I had the same face, I know I did on the inside anyway" and he was all like "I wish I could take the day off work so we could just stay home and gush over this..." He told be he loved me like 50 times on the bus too. I felt so loved and supported. He also said goodbye to the fetus when he left for work. Hes never really aknowledged it as a person before, so that was nice.

They told me that they could tell I last ovulated from the left side, and gave me a due date of 21st Nov. I deeply feel the due date is wrong though, it's out by a like 1-2 weeks. I know, I'm a first time mother, I don't know shit, so I'm not going to argue or anything... but it doesn't match the blood test, doesn't come close to the when-we-had-sex-and-ovulated diary I kept. So we both felt a bit... off... with that. But whatever! We'll know when it comes squalling into the world wont we?

We didn't get a photo. Maybe you only get one for the 20 week scan? But I'll have the ultrasound images on Thursday and we'll likely try to scan them in. I really need to find a Obstritian (sp). Better get cracking with that.

But yes. It's alive and tiny and beautiful (in an ET kind of way). There's a potential person inside me. Isn't that mind-blowing?