On the visa front, we got an email on Friday. They received his application and upon first glance have decided it looks like a valid application rather than a complete waste of their time, and thus have awarded him a bridging visa. Woo! It's a bridging visa "A" which means if he wants to leave the country he needs to do a bunch of paperwork to get the bridging visa "B" instead. But we're not planning any trips to Canadia until early next year so we'll cross that bridge when we get there. (See what I did there?)

I was expecting the processing time to be six months, as that was average for the last round. Apparently I was wrong. The government have informed us that a decision to grant his temporary residence will be made in 9 to 12 months from now. Nothing like taking your time but, his bridge keeps him here and legally working until that time, so whatever. We'll get a case worker in a few months, and then we'll know that we've moved up in the line. It also seemed to cost us less than the website listed. We were expecting to pay $1200 but it was closer to $900. Woo bargain! (The fiancee visa set us back $1800 if you're thinking of applying for it!) Can't complain. I feel safe knowing that for now at least, no one can take him away from me.

I'm wondering though... If it takes a year to get TR, will he still want to stay for citizenship? or is that extra year a year too long? We did say we'd stay in Oz for a max of 5 years He can always work on that when we come back next time I guess. We'll see how it goes. I just like to wonder about these things.

What else is happening? Well the weekend was good. We both had the whole thing off. Saw the midwife, god she's funny. I answered the door in my pj pants with my hair undone and she still greeted me with a compliment, telling me I look great and my baby is beautiful. (I'm sure she means beautiful for a gecko-alien). So that was nice. Unlike my co-worker today who greeted me by telling me my face has started to "fill out". Uhm yes, I can see it. Thanks for making me feel fatter than I already do hahaha!

Fetus is growing fine. My blood pressure is fine - and I finally got the nerve to bring up the light-headedness / dizzy spells where the world fills with light and I think I'm going to pass out. I'd been afraid to mention it in case it was related to either high blood pressure or gestational diabetes - either of which would make me "high risk" - but I did. Apparently it's a sign of low blood pressure. Which is fine. Sonja's like "oh the worst that will happen is you'll pass out" she's so laid back, just what I need. I don't want someone fussing over me I told her "That's ok. I wont be conscious, so I wont be worried!"
But seriously I just need to drink more water, especially when I wake up in the morning, not skip breakfast etc. Low blood pressure doesn't change anything or put the baby at risk. So, I'm happy about that.

We were talking about who catches the baby, and I'm like "well, as long as someone does..." and she tells me this story... she was attending this lady's second birth in hospital (back when she did both home and hospital births) and the husband wanted to catch the baby... but was also scared. She's like "Ok, get ready to catch" (at this point, you can't even see the head) and he's like "no you!", and they go back and forth a few times with the "you catch it!" "no you get it!" And then in one holy mother of a contraction this woman who's kneeling on all fours on the bed births this baby.... and no one catches it. It just plops onto the bed

I can see this happening to Obi and I
Obi's slowly warming up to the idea, but he's still squicky about goo and mess so we will see.

On the names front, he's finally started to make suggestions. So plucking cute this man is... we were walking to the shops to get milk... and he brings it up and we're talking a little... and then I have to stop and wipe my hand on my pants because he's all-out started sweating into my palm as we're holding hands. Talking about names is nerve wracking! Not all of the names he's offering are terrible either. I think we can meet half way on this

I'm so baby-minded today. Really feeling it! Eeee Wish nesting would kick in so I'd start enjoying cleaning though, that'd be awesome.

Alright, so I will share this one work story with you, and then I will go.

I was working on express, by myself because it's early morning and there aren't many customers. It's just started getting a little busier.

This lady is approaching my register and I start praying she doesn't choose me. There's obviously something wrong. Her eyes are a bit red and she has a nasty arse cough, that she's only covering some of the time. Erk.
Well, of course she chooses me. I'm standing there doing nothing after all.

I try to scan her tiny cans of cat food at the speed of light, while standing as far back as I can and being very careful not to touch my face until I can get to some hand sanitizer. I really am not keen on getting sick. I get about half way through... she's not coughing constantly. She coughs a little then wipes her mouth with her hand, puts more things on my counter... then all of a sudden she turns her head to the side and vomits. Just like that.

Now, my mum was a nurse, and she taught me manners when dealing with sick people, especially old ones. Don't panic, don't make a big deal out of it, show respect. I do that. A line has started to form, and I'm aware of it. I ask her if we can call anyone for her, or if she needs anything (like a bag if she's going to do it again). She says no. I keep scanning. Because of the line another checkout chick shows up, just as this lady pukes on my floor again. I turn my face away. The smell.... well.. you know. And I don't want her to see I'm horrified, I don't want to make her feel worse. I nearly turned into the breasts of this other checkout operator, just from bad timing. She's like "Miriam, you right?" (She was there for my near-fainting spell a few weeks back) I'm like "My customer is throwing up on my floor" at first, she didn't get it. But then she looks up - and again this lady turns and casually barfs. I add "Please help me, I don't know what to do."

Meanwhile the tiny cans of cat food keep coming my way. I'm scanning like a demon. Doesn't this woman realise it's 15 items or less on express? The line is still there, but now there's a huge puddle on my floor. It's not safe.
So still scanning I'm trying to encourage people to choose another register - asking them to go to self serve or a main. This other granny is like "I'm old, I don't know how to use self serve" and I'm like "I understand. I'm sure the operator there will do it for you, but as you can plainly see, this lady has been ill on the floor and I will be unable to serve you"

Seriously what's wrong with these people? If I was in a line at the supermarket and someone started retching I'd want to find somewhere else to be, even if it cost me another ten minutes. The other chick manages to return at this point, and I'm finalizing the sick woman's sale. She vomits again right as I go to hand her the change, and I swear the other cashier is going to join her. Then she's gone. Despite having the ability to ask me how much she owed, somehow she didn't have the ability to apologize for puking on the floor... or anything of that manner.

It was just so... casual. Like she does this every day or something.

Anyway, as she leaves I'm trying to go to the other side and clean up - but as quick as anything another customer's taken her place and all I have time to say is "Don't stand in that!!" Gods. I get rid of that person, and another is there, nearly standing on poor Cass who's trying to clean the floor, but not breathe, and not vomit. All she's got is paper towel. It's clear to me this is a bigger job than a paper towel deal. Poor thing's gasping for breath. I'm like, "you take over here. I'll clean it. I was a house keeper, I've seen it before..." I just felt so sorry for her. Even though I really didn't want to be the man for the job. She was very grateful. Luckily, I didn't have to do much either because finally a supervisor arrived and a mop is on the way! But still there are customers flooding express and I'm like "watch your step" "Don't slip"....

Some people just surprise me. They have no respect and no common sense. And some of them are just plain bloody gross!