The sheets were covered in hair, and it wasn't mine. They were light and curly. I tried so hard not to freak out but was failing. It got even worse when I discovered a bit of yellow ear wax beside the pillow. Now I don't expect the blankets to be clean or anything, but I draw the line at the sheets. Both beds were the same. There were also long dark hairs under the fitted sheet, that you could clearly see through the sheet, which told me the mattress protectors probably didn't get a lot of washing action either. Yuck.
I slept in my clothes that night, and I was too grossed out for any action. No wonder they had me pay up front. I'm not falling for that again.

The next day seemed more promising. Isis slept a full eight hours, which meant I did too and the rain had stopped. But, I'd packed for poor weather, because the weather man told me to, so we about died in the 30 degree heat with massive humidity. I complained to the manager about the state of the room and she said they'd look into it. But that was that.

I'm basing my newest book in Morpeth or a town very like it, so we went and took reference photos, had breakfast and just looked around while trying not to die.... but then we got back to the car and realised something else was trying not to die, and failing.
Bec couldn't take the time off work to travel up for the balloon release, so she sent her gift with us - a peace lily. The poor thing's leaves were laying flat as though it melted, but worst of all, half it's leaves were burnt black and hard. On the top ten list of shit you can't get away with I'm pretty sure "give a dead plant to someone in celebration of their dead baby's first heavenly birthday" is somewhere near the top - so we had to replace it. And, it had to be the same kind of plant because Bec had written the card to the baby from the plant.
It was 2pm, we needed to be in the next town at the cemetery at 4:30pm.

Not much stays open after mid day on a Sunday in small towns, but eventually we found a florist. I ran in and I'm like "Do you have potted plants? Specifically a peace lily?" and she's like "Oh, no. When I get orders for those I just go over to bigW and pick one up"

So we went across the road to BigW. They had some, but these plants looked just as bad as the one we had dying in the car. Then as we were walking back to the car, hoping to find another florist in the next half hour, we walked past the Woolworths (local supermarket) and out the front they had all kinds of plants and flowers, including a couple of peace lilies! The best looking one wasn't as bushy as the one Bec chose but it was taller and had a massive flower on it. Good enough. I got it for $12. Bec paid $35 from the florist.

There I am in the carpark swapping the wrapping from one plant to the other while Dustin races into subway to get us a late lunch, and do you think I could replicate the fancy bow from the original florist? Mmm no. Fail. But my best would have to do. I was getting very over this trip.

Of course we got lost on the way to the graveyard, because there's Maitland, and then there is East Maitland and both of them have a high street. But eventually we got there.

As we walked past the gate this massive wave of sadness hit me. It was like a physical force. I kind of wanted to run away. But I didn't, of course. We made our way over to baby Jacob's grave and I was sad to note that not many people were there. My friend had invited at least 80 people, but standing there were barely ten. I was also a bit irked because we'd gotten lots of warning to be sensitive about having a baby there, and some people canceled because we would have one - yet almost everyone else had kids there. I guess toddlers aren't as painful as babies for some reason.

Anyway, we wrote notes and tied them to the balloons. I didn't have a balloon because my friend and I didn't realise we were holding the same string until it was too late. So if you're ever doing a balloon release, take note and have shorter strings!! But we tied our note to her balloon and just watched. And as the balloons went up... I fell to pieces. I was absolutely shattered. It was damn near unbearable. And I don't even know why. I have fairly harsh beliefs/opinions on the subject... to know me is to think I wouldn't care. I guess I really do though. I buried my face in Obi's chest and tried to pull myself together and be strong for my mate. But yeah, that was potentially the most depressing thing I've willingly attended.

I felt bad at the BBQ too, because most of the people who came didn't even stay for dinner, so they had all this food (and the best birthday cupcakes ever!) but hardly anyone was there to eat it.

I'm glad we went. We stayed pretty late (despite having to still drive home so Obi could go to work the next morning) and it was wonderful. This chick was my very best friend growing up, and then in high school we were in different groups and fell out of touch. But she's still the sweet girl she used to be and I'm so glad I have this second chance and we're back in each others lives.

So long story short, the weekend sucked, but it was totally worth it.
I'm so sick of writing now. So I'll leave out the part about the drunk father in law and the little 2 year old wearing makeup the same as her mums.....