Today I've spent a lot of time researching food, more specifically, portion sizes and what counts as a "serving". This arose because the other day I was having a conversation with Obi about how we're encouraged to have 8 glasses of water, three glasses of milk, five vegetables, two fruits etc etc per day. He's like "That's a lot of food, I don't even know how anyone could eat that much every day" and I'm like "yeah but how much is a serving? It's probably not very big" so today I set out to answer my own question.

The Australian government push healthy eating pretty hard (which I never realised before I went to Canada) so I looked up what these Aussie bastards recommend I should be eating for my age and gender. Apparently as a young breastfeeding person I should be consuming 7-9 serves of fruit & veg, 3 serves of protein and 3 serves of dairy (which don't need to specifically be glasses of milk.)

Many sites also provided lists of things that constituted a serve for each of these three categories, which I cross-referenced and they are all more or less the same. That was nice, made my day simpler.

I didn't realise how right I was with my estimate of a serve being "not very big". A serve is freaking tiny. So I set about making an eating plan based off these guidelines.

For dinner tonight I picked up some roo steaks. (It doesn't need to be cow for steak and a blowjob day does it?) Roo is very good for you, lean, full of flavour and for a change it wasn't $20 a kilo. Seeming I could actually afford it, I splurged. And so there I am in the kitchen with my little scale (Bec calls it my drug scale because of the size) ready to figure out how much a serve of meat is. Apparently for red meat it's 65g. Which is like, wtf is that? I could put that whole piece in my mouth at once. So Obi will get a double serve because he shouldn't suffer from my crazy heath kick haha...

Anyway, at least if I'm cooking proper portions the food will go so much further, but I'm going to feel like a right idiot when I plate up tonight's dinner seeming Obi's double size steak is about half of what I'd normally eat and I know it'll shrink when I cook it.

I'll follow up at some point and let you know how this diet goes... if you can even call it that. I'm trying to be good, within reason. But ice cream features in the meal plan and I have a rule for myself that I'm allowed to eat unrestricted amounts of dark chocolate. Why? Because I love chocolate. I'd prefer milk chocolate but dark is actually good for you and besides that if I gorge on it I get a splitting migraine, so I'm more likely not to binge.

I fear it's going to be expensive, because healthy food seems to cost so much more than junk, but maybe not. Apparently your body will tell you that you are full if you reach the required level of nutrition, so in theory you eat less of good foods because they are actually benefiting you. Quality over quantity or some shit. And these serves are small. Like, small. So maybe that makes it financially viable? I hope so!

I wanted to post a thread about this but blogging was easier. I know the amount of clicking is the same, but I feel obligated to make sense when I create threads, while here there's no pressure. But maybe I'll get there later, if anyone wants to see these meal plans (if they work lol)

I'm due for yogurt in ten minutes, yay!

As I was putting it together I realised that by looking at it, I appear to be one of those freaks who don't eat carbs. I'm not. But, I don't eat a lot of them, and that surprised me because I hadn't thought about it. They reckon that bread/pasta/rice/grain/thatkindofthing are supposed to be the biggest part of your diet, but looking at what I enjoy eating, there's just no way. I mean I love pasta, rice is great... and cake, man roll on the cake! (No wait, don't. Trying to not be a fatty Yes Tanja I know I'm not fat, it's an expression lol ) But I still can't imagine eating any where near "enough" of it. So hopefully breakfast has it covered.

I didn't bother to look into what makes a serve of that stuff. Meh, not interested. If it were important the supermarket would have a sign beside the one that says "7 a day - 5 veg + 2 fruit" saying "Eat more rice" or something.

That's enough ramble about that for now. Sister in law is chatting to me on facey and I can't manage two conversations at once coz I'm not a real woman.