I have not ranted about my sister in law for ages. So lets start the week off with some super judgmental shit that I should know better than to say! Yay!

In case you've only started stalking me recently, here's a recap:
* Last year (Feb) his sister came for our wedding. She caused a shit fight, I still haven't forgiven her. Probably never will. She's a bitch. We're nice to each other now and she confides in me, for some reason I don't understand. I'm pretty sure she knows I hold her in disdain, I don't make a secret of it.
* Last October she was supposed to get married. We hadn't bought plane tickets luckily, because I was heavily pregnant and wouldn't have been able to fly.
* She called off the wedding in August, and moved in with a new feller within a fortnight.
* Her family were appalled. I felt sorry for the dad (who was organizing it and paying for everything) and the people who did book flights.

So today she's telling me that new guy is carrying the engagement ring in his pocket at all times to tease her, but they have already spoken about when they want to marry. Which happens to be August. This year. We're flying over in May. There's no way in hell we're going to find the money to return in August, not to mention the risk we'd be placing Obi's job at if he took time off again so soon. It must look bad for him as it is. He took a few days off when I was pregnant, and when we needed to do visa stuff. He took two weeks off for the baby's birth. They all got time off for Christmas/new years. Then recently when I was sick, and he's been late a few days because of me/the baby/sleeping in. Then two and a bit weeks off for Canada in May. It's quite a bit of time off. Most people get two weeks a year. Granted, it's all unpaid leave. Which is hard to manage financially as well. But if he keeps taking time off and gets a reputation for being unreliable we're screwed. Even if I went back to work full time, I would be hard pressed to keep us afloat until he could find another job.

Anyway, so she tells me this today and only because I asked about it (I sensed she wanted to brag about something). But fuck man. If you want someone to travel internationally for your wedding, give them notice. She's going on about how much she wants her family to be there... help us help you. Moron. I'm like "You realise there's no way your brother is going to be able to make a trip that soon?" and she's like "Oh I was wondering how you's would handle it" Yeah fuck you. Aaanyway.

Also during this mornings conversation, she's going on about how worried she is for her cat. These people had never considered letting their animals outside before Sire and I came on the scene. My kitty is indoor/outdoor. He has his own life and I don't mess with that. He stays in at night because (here at least) it's illegal for him to be found outside, and wears a bell to protect the birdies (though my stupid in laws keep removing it because the sound bothers them. Some people have less of a conscience about the environment I guess). But yeah, he's his own man, I don't tend to worry about him.
And they live in a safe neighborhood.
Anyway, two of her cats live in the same house with Sire, and one of them apparently bolted for the door and got out... and hasn't been home for nearly 24 hours. And they are all in a panic that this cat is never going to be seen again. And I can't help but think it's their own stupid faults. Like, if you want indoor cats cool. Sire's had to be indoor only in some places we rented. But he's always been shown the area and he's trained, so if he does run out the door when I'm bringing the shopping in, it's not a big deal. He'll come back.

Cats are people too. Educated your furry people. Guh.

I'm pausing here to eat something, get some housework done, yadda yadda. Mmm pizza.

So what else is happening?
Right, so, Bec and I went to the gym 11 days out of 14. It was supposed to be ten but they didn't punch her card one visit, and we're not the kid of people to poke the gift pony in the eye. We weighed in on the Saturday. And neither of us lost so much as a kilo. So that is that. If working out basically every day doesn't shift it for me, there's nothing more I care to do. I'm not about to eat less any time soon, especially not while the chocolate is 50% off at the shops Tanja's right, this is my new "resting weight". I can handle that!

I feel good. Can't ask for more than that. I do want to get a little more ab definition though, and so does Obi, so we're going to do this sit-ups challenge together. The guys at his work were doing it for a while, but they stopped so he wants to do it with me. Why not!

I'm so far behind in my housework so I'm leaving it here. I want Obi to be impressed when he gets home because last night he cooked me an awesome, time consuming, vegetarian lasagne and then sacrificed some sleep for some awesome time consuming vagaterian sex. (During which he told me that my arse is firmer. Woo gym!) So I owe him a clear path from the front door to the fridge and some clean clothing at least. That and I want to find time to set up my ancestor altar today, and the day's half gone.

Happy Monday people