I love B but I feel so bad for him and his dad because not only is their family complicated on many levels for example getting his younger brother, M who is 14 to come live with them for good so B's dad would get full custody... even though the mom has full custody and she's crazy-mentally. I have seen her and she looks like Curella from 101 Dalmantions-no joke. They dont have money to afford a lawyer let alone pay rent half the time..speaking of money thats what makes me sad. They are such great people and they struggle. I want to help so bad if I could I'd empty my whole savings and give it to them. They are living off food stamps B lost his job and has been searching for one for months and training to become a police officer. Getting in shape not in training yet.Im proud of him hes really committing himself to this. Yeah the money part is hard because I have come from a pretty well off family and I'm sheltered and don't know what it's like to struggle. Personally, when I move out I dont want to have to worry about struggling I want to be able to afford a house, renting or whatever and live the life I want. Afford kids later on that whole fairy tale ending. I just hope B can find a decent job for himself to help out his dad and eventually move out and in with me. Who knows. I just know what my mom has said about how I need to make sure I marry someone who wont be struggling and I will have to pay for them and such. Sounds selfish I know, but I am so afraid of being not well off or homeless. I dont know I will support him through whatever and I am so happy with him that I dont care if we are just middle class I will work hard as will he so we don't struggle. Because I can see myself with B for the long run.