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Could Use Some Advice?
Could Use Some Advice?
I love B but I feel so bad for him and his dad because not only is their family complicated on many levels for example getting his younger brother, M who is 14 to come live with them for good so B's dad would get full custody... even though the mom has full custody and she's crazy-mentally. I have seen her and she looks like Curella from 101 Dalmantions-no joke. They dont have money to afford a lawyer let alone pay rent half the time..speaking of money thats what makes me sad. They are such great people and they struggle. I want to help so bad if I could I'd empty my whole savings and give it to them. They are living off food stamps B lost his job and has been searching for one for months and training to become a police officer. Getting in shape not in training yet.Im proud of him hes really committing himself to this. Yeah the money part is hard because I have come from a pretty well off family and I'm sheltered and don't know what it's like to struggle. Personally, when I move out I dont want to have to worry about struggling I want to be able to afford a house, renting or whatever and live the life I want. Afford kids later on that whole fairy tale ending. I just hope B can find a decent job for himself to help out his dad and eventually move out and in with me. Who knows. I just know what my mom has said about how I need to make sure I marry someone who wont be struggling and I will have to pay for them and such. Sounds selfish I know, but I am so afraid of being not well off or homeless. I dont know I will support him through whatever and I am so happy with him that I dont care if we are just middle class I will work hard as will he so we don't struggle. Because I can see myself with B for the long run.Tags: None
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It's not the greatest growing up and living in a state of near-poverty or one that requires you to seek government aid, it can be embarrassing, but you have to work with what you've got. I've been on foodstamps before, my mom's on unemployment and I'm on disability, I'm the only one with insurance and even it's very limited on what it covers, case in point medicare doesn't cover dental. Personally I've never been anywhere near middle class or UPPER middle class, but that's what I'm used to. You're used to something different and it is honestly hard to wonder how people live in almost entirely different situations than you do and be who they are.
Anyway my point with that is, don't let the finances be the biggest worry and the one that makes your decision to stay or go down the road because there's always a chance to make things better so long as you try hard and seize every opportunity available to you. So long as you're with someone who makes you happy, life won't suck that much.