As you all know, Obi and I are bouncing. That's how we've closed the gap. We're in Canada this year, Then Aussie for two years, Canada for another year, back to Australia so I can finish uni...
Some days that's a headache and others it soothes my soul.
We've looked at it from 100 different angles. I understand the pros and cons, the financial side, the emotional side, everything. I could make a mind map with all the thinking and talking we've done! So, I'm not really looking for advice, just opinions and other people's experiences.
Is anyone else planning to close the distance by spending time in both places, rather than one person giving up everything?
My other concern is that, after the time I spend doing uni at home, Obi wants us to settle here in Canada perminantly. Oh we can go back for holidays here and there every few years, but the rest of the time Zephii just has to suck it up and not see her family or friends for months or even years at a time. The more settled we get, the further apart those visits will also get. Now I know that in the next 5-6 years things might change, Obi might discover reasons to want to spend time in Australia other than just shutting me up. But I can't bank on that lol. Is it wrong for me to want my children to spend some of their lives in my country too? Australia has a lot of unique things, especaiily oportnities for older teens/young adults that Canada doesn't have, and I'd like them to have a wider cultural base as well. I don't think it's ok to move kids every year or anything like that, no, but I also don't think it's healthy to grow up just in the one small town like both Obi and I did. I want better than that for my kids, not to mention having my kids actully have relationships with my side of the family!
We're not talking much about that at this stage, it's too far ahead to make plans for or anything, but a deep part of me seeks answers and information so that when the time comes I'm not unprepared. Right now, the idea of going home only for visits - even though it's so far in the future and I'll be more settled in Canada by then (hopefully) - makes me want to say, "no, lets not bother". I mean if I know in advance that something I need is going to be a deal breaker, I'm not going to waste time in the present am I?
How is everyone else planning on dealing with these kinds of things in the long term? Am I the only one who can't fathom a life so far from family? Am I unreasonable to want these things?
Some days that's a headache and others it soothes my soul.
We've looked at it from 100 different angles. I understand the pros and cons, the financial side, the emotional side, everything. I could make a mind map with all the thinking and talking we've done! So, I'm not really looking for advice, just opinions and other people's experiences.
Is anyone else planning to close the distance by spending time in both places, rather than one person giving up everything?
My other concern is that, after the time I spend doing uni at home, Obi wants us to settle here in Canada perminantly. Oh we can go back for holidays here and there every few years, but the rest of the time Zephii just has to suck it up and not see her family or friends for months or even years at a time. The more settled we get, the further apart those visits will also get. Now I know that in the next 5-6 years things might change, Obi might discover reasons to want to spend time in Australia other than just shutting me up. But I can't bank on that lol. Is it wrong for me to want my children to spend some of their lives in my country too? Australia has a lot of unique things, especaiily oportnities for older teens/young adults that Canada doesn't have, and I'd like them to have a wider cultural base as well. I don't think it's ok to move kids every year or anything like that, no, but I also don't think it's healthy to grow up just in the one small town like both Obi and I did. I want better than that for my kids, not to mention having my kids actully have relationships with my side of the family!
We're not talking much about that at this stage, it's too far ahead to make plans for or anything, but a deep part of me seeks answers and information so that when the time comes I'm not unprepared. Right now, the idea of going home only for visits - even though it's so far in the future and I'll be more settled in Canada by then (hopefully) - makes me want to say, "no, lets not bother". I mean if I know in advance that something I need is going to be a deal breaker, I'm not going to waste time in the present am I?

How is everyone else planning on dealing with these kinds of things in the long term? Am I the only one who can't fathom a life so far from family? Am I unreasonable to want these things?