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Leaving Home

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    Leaving Home

    It's getting harder and harder to think that I actually am leaving this place where I've lived for so long. I'm not one who adjusts well with change, it takes me awhile. I know I'll be ok but leaving everyone I know and friends behind ... is hard.

    Each day that passes my heart beats faster and faster. I want this so badly but I'm scared at the same time. What a mess.

    It's ok to be scared. You're leaving the comfort of the familiar yet you know your heart wants this so much. It will be ok (hugs)


      I absolutely feel the same. I am in love with my city, and my family... I just love Miguel more. And moving is absolutely terrifying, no matter how excited I am to be with him...

      "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
      -Miguel De Cervantes

      Read our story HERE


        I am really in love with where I leave, it's funny, when I was in a LDR before, I couldn't, literally COULDN'T leave California and this time I feel like I can.

        As my goodbye party gets closer and people tell me they can't come it's really obvious to me who's important to me and who's not and just who I'm leaving behind. I wish I could be more casual about it, but it's hard to go from familiar to unknown. I'm definitely doing everything I can to stay positive and will when I'm there too and hopefully I can make some friends fast!


          With an open mindset I'm sure you'll easily make friends.

          My SO keeps telling me he's going to get himself in a position to move to me. I'm not ken on moving anywhere anytime soon after living in a hell hole of a place for 13 years prior to where I am now. He said he would move for me. That's a big sacrifice. You must really really love your SO if you feel that you can make that step to move.


            I do really love him, and I'm ready for some change. It's hard to leave this area, the people are so nice and friendly and independently minded. It's not even like moving to Italy, it feels like I'm moving to another country all together. I know I'll meet new friends, and have a good experience, it'll just take time. I wish I could bring people with me I honestly didn't even think of when I thought of who I was leaving behind before.

            I know our relationship is worth this sacrifice, plus I've been given a great opportunity to go to school. This is a good move for me, it's just well ... scary.

            We know at this point he wouldn't have been able to leave Texas, which I understand -- He's much closer to his family and friends than I am, but it's hard to leave those people I am close with behind.


              Originally posted by Sierra View Post

              As my goodbye party gets closer and people tell me they can't come it's really obvious to me who's important to me and who's not and just who I'm leaving behind. I wish I could be more casual about it, but it's hard to go from familiar to unknown. I'm definitely doing everything I can to stay positive and will when I'm there too and hopefully I can make some friends fast!
              When I went to Germany for a year and a bit all my friends wished me luck and said they'd stay in touch. When I got back the first thing I did was go to my friends work to see her, she wasn't there but she told me everyone was going out for wings that evening so I went to see all my friends. It was so awkward, not one asked how my trip was. I wasn't expecting to talk about me all night but a simple how was it? Did you like it? would have been nice. I sat there while they all talked about things they were in the loop about. I made a few more attempts to see them but didn't get anything back. It really hurt me and I still have dreams about trying to fix it, but really I think when you go away you learn who are your friends. I was sad that the girl I'd called my best friend for years was able to forget me so easily but I learned that a couple others who I'd not been so close with really were my friends. This time around leaving to the Uk it was easier I knew that there was only a couple people who were worth wasting time on keeping in touch.
              Its sad but its life, you always hear in high school that those people won't be your friends later on and never believe it. It is kind of nice now to only be surrounded by people who really care about me.

              Sorry thats a bit longer then I planned. I know you are scared it is a big jump, but I've done it twice and its like testing the water, if you only stick your toe in you feel how cold it is, but if you just jump and get it over with it isn't so bad. Its normal to be nervous.


                I'm in the exact same position as you. I'm leaving behind my family, friends, everything I've ever known to go live with my SO (though our situation is a little different than yours, as he had to do the same thing, save the family members he's currently living with, last year).

                It's scary, it's scary as heck. I've second guessed this move so many times I've lost count. But my family has given me their full blessing (and have told me that if I don't make this move, I'm an idiot and giving up the best thing I've ever had), so that helps a bit, but I know it's still going to be tough saying goodbye to everyone. I'm tearing up a bit thinking of it.

                Just remember that he's worth it, that your relationship is worth it.
                ♥ Erika & Thomas ♥
                ♥ Est. January 13, 2011 ♥ Became LDR July 1, 2011 ♥ Christmas visit December 24 - 29, 2011 ♥ Closed the distance June 2, 2012 ♥

                ♪ Cause with you I'd withstand all of it to hold your hand ♫


                  When I moved to CR, I was moving with the intent to stay forever. It was a permanent move. And I cried for the first week I was there. I just couldn't be happy thinking that now I would only be "visiting" my hometown once or twice a year.

                  Now after having lived there for 10 months, I love it and want to stay longer. There are things that still bother me, but I finally have my own circle. It took around 5 or 6 months, but I finally have my own little group of friends. I finally know the bus system well enough to get around without asking. I even know highway exits. I'm learning the slang so that I can understand what my SO's friends are saying.

                  What I'm trying to say is yes, it is scary and no fun at first. But once you get there you have to put in effort to meet new people, go new places, explore the new area and you'll soon feel at home.


                    Snow, I've had that happen to me before when I went out of state for college, it was devastating. I still wonder if I can and have tried to fix it, but I can't. You guys are right, when I do move I'll find out who my real friends are and I am looking forward to making new friends.

                    I don't expect to be totally happy right away, I'm hoping I can just keep myself busy, and I'm happy I'm moving in summer because I love being outside. I want to go fishing all the time. My mom has already planned a trip out for the third week I'm out there, I'm scared she's going to hate it and never come back. Even now my friends are drifting further and further away from me. I know some people are horrible at goodbyes, but it hurts me too, this is important to me.

                    I look forward to building a new life, hopefully with good, lasting friends and the change, it's still just terrifying. I'm trying to keep it in a good light, but I have a feeling when I'm not in front of my boyfriend, I'm going to be a homesick mess.

                    Aeiou, it's funny, everyone keeps telling me that this movie is the right thing for me to do too, but at the same time they like to throw in casual kind of out of place comments like "It's never too late to change your mind or cancel". Getting the conflicting message is hard for me, but I'm trying to take it all in stride. I can't believe this is all happening in 10 days, it's pretty insane.

                    I always thought we'd close the distance and I really always knew it'd be me closing the distance there, I just never thought it would hit me this hard. I am sleeping less and less as the day gets closer and closer.


                      You may have mentioned it, but if you have, I have forgotten. If you don't mind me asking, what part of Texas are you moving to? I'm in Texas too!

                      2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                      Progress: Complete!

                      2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                      Progress: Working on it.


                        Dallas Fort Worth area


                          Sierra, you're gonna be fine I know it's scary, moving to a new place always is, but keep in mind just how easy technology has made it to stay in frequent touch with everyone. Change can be daunting, yes, but it can also be wonderful and life-affirming; this first step will teach you valuable life lessons you'll cherish later on and you'll grow from the experience. Sure, there will be times you're homesick as hell, but there will also be times when you can't imagine being anywhere else, it's all good and it's all normal. Right now, enjoy Cali, get those last trips in to your favorite places, take lots of pictures, and wonder what those new favorite places in Texas will be like. Try to savor the moment and remember, it's not like you can't go home again. Just keep that in mind, Texas won't be like a prison, and you're not serving a life sentence. Your Mom will visit soon, and that'll make the transition easier, and she won't hate it Why should she? It's just another part of the country is all, and you liked it well enough, right?

                          Chin up, sweetie, be proud and excited for yourself, you're about to have an adventure I know it doesn't feel like it right now, and it's hard, but I know you can take it, you can, really.
                          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                            Originally posted by Sierra View Post
                            Dallas Fort Worth area
                            Well, then you already have one new friend in the area!!

                            2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                            Progress: Complete!

                            2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                            Progress: Working on it.


                              I´m jumping on the scared shitless bandwagon, and I just wanted to say thanks Moon, and you Lucybelle. Both of you said some really nice things that I needed to hear right now You are both right. I know deep down it will be a great big wonderful adventure, it will just take some emotional settling in to take full advantage of it

                              "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                              -Miguel De Cervantes

                              Read our story HERE

