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3 More Days

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    3 More Days

    So I am writing this from work, and its my last shift! I am done in 2 hours

    Tomorrow we pack up the moving van, and on Sunday we start the 2 day trip to finish the move!

    The support here has been amazing and I want everybody to know that the wait is well worth it! I sincerly hope that everybody on this forum gets to experience what I am right now. Its fantastic!

    Thanks again for everything!


    Congratulations It is always inspiring to hear this Keep us updated on how things are going


      Congrats to you guys!! I am super excited for you both!

      I hope you'll still be around here even when you are all moved in together.



        I do hope to experience what you are experiencing


          Congrats and all the best for your future together! Keep us posted and do stick around!


            Congrats! You will have to share the story of the transition. It gives me hope that things will go well for me.


              That's so great, you both worked so hard for this, I'm very happy for you. Hope the move goes smoothly. Congrats!!
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                Congratulations to you both! It's so inspiring to hear stories like this

                Let us know how the actual move and living together are getting on and I hope you stick around here even though you're not an LDR-er anymore


                  Hey guy!

                  So its been 6 days and there is some good and some bad.

                  I LOVE our new place, and working from home is awesome. Its so nice to finally be together, and we are having a lot of fun. The downside is a homesickenss I didnt think I was capable of having. When my dad left it made me so sad. Its hard for me to go from knowing that I could see my family at any time, so just knowing that I can't .

                  The problem with this is that its definitly making me irritable. Combine that with the little things that your s/o will do that your not used to that will drive you up the wall, and not knowing a soul in a city of a million and it can be a little tough.

                  I'm happy I'm here, just waiting for the adjustment to take place and get used to it. I need to meet people, but working from home makes that near impossible.

                  ugh... at least I can fly home once a month to visit my family/friends. But I need more social then that!


                    I am sure that you will be able to meet more people, you just have to put yourself out there. You could try going to coffee shops on a certain day of the week and reading there, since that is a good way to meet new people. There are also programs that you could probably sign up for. You could also try to find people who have similar interests as you. Just try to go out of your way to get out of the house and talk to other people wherever you are

                    Best of wishes in your adjustment!

