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Is it possible?

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    Is it possible?

    Hi everyone. Don't know where to put this but bear with me? I'm feeling a little stressed right now. I'm currently 20 and living with my mom. I want to close the distance asap because my father is moving in and I can't stand him. Long story short, he never supported me, my sisters and my mom except for financially because he had to, and now he thinks he can just waltz up in here and make a home with us, and he's really not trying that hard to fix things with me because he's arguing with me all the time. Anyway I don't want to live anywhere except with my boyfriend. Do you think it would be possible for me to live in my car in MI until I get a job? I've never heard of anyone doing this, but if I knew without a doubt or at least some certainty that it would work, I'd be gone before my parents even had a chance to move in together.

    It is possible. But I wouldn't recommend it.I think your SO would freak if he found out your living in your car, I know mine would. And it is possible that finding a job will take a while. You can try staying with a friend or a cousin,aunt ,uncle,ect. As for closing the distance,when you get the money go ahead.


      It depends on the resources in your area. Sleeping in the car wouldn't be the worst of it.

      You have no job, so how are you to pay for food? Takeaway food is also more expensive than cooking at home, so you'll burn through a bunch of money you don't have.
      You have no home, so how are you to shower and wash your clothes to look presentable for job interviews? What address will you put on job application forms? What phone number? How will you pay for your phone without a job to support you?
      I know there are places here where the homeless can go for free showers and the like, but you need to look for resources in your area to be sure.

      Also, in a lot of places it's illegal to just randomly park somewhere and sleep. So you'll need to do your research to find places where it's alright to do this.

      Not to mention the strain it could very well put on your relationship.

      I'm not saying don't do it, I'm just saying be careful how you go about it. Think it through. Everyone lives with people they don't like at some point but unless he's abusing you, running away isn't an option you should be considering. I would know, I ran away from home at 15. Be smart about choices for your future, don't give into angst.
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        SonyaKitty has a good idea. It would set back our closing date because I would have to pay for rent, food, etc. But maybe it's a better route. : ]


          oui...i sooo wouldn't recommend this....not really the best idea...what about a friend or relative...something....


   that's not a good idea at all. How are you going to pay for food? or shower? Move in with a friend or relative instead :/
            Made it official: 12-01-10
            First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
            Closed the distance: 07-31-13


              I wouldn't recommend it..just try to get a job at home and save up, then move out.


                Ya simple answer don't live out of your car on the streets. That and it's about to get freezing cold in MI. Sonya has wanted to do the same thing before, but she saw my point in how it will only make things worse and put in needed stress on our relationship. Why can't you close the distance any way. You might need to find a different state but you can go online to apply for jobs anywhere and once you both line something up you move. But ya I say a def no on running away. You are an adult you can make your own choices you don't need to be at your dads side or show him any respect just avoid him.
                I Love My Beautiful Sonya!!!



                  I know people who live out of their cars, but they're hard core hippies. This one guy buys a dozen eggs and cracks them into his nalgene then cooks them a few at a time throughout the week. None of them bathe (when they do they're cool with doing it in a river with a bandanna) or have any real possessions besides sleeping bags and nalgenes. I've lived the hippie lifestyle before (bathing once a week, living in a tent, just being filthy all the time) and although I had a blast, I would never want to do that again. A few weeks camping is enough for me! Is your personality really fit to be a live-in car hippie?


                    Ummm....No. You live in Michigan, and it's going to be freezing very soon. You will have to keep filling your tank because you will need to keep the car on all of the time for heat, can you afford that? You'll freeze to death without heat in a Michigan winter. What address will you use when getting a job? Many places mail you things like paychecks, paperwork, etc. Where will you park your "home"? The cops can and will harass you for parking where they don't want you. Are you prepared for the possibility of getting robbed or raped? You're a homeless girl on your own, and sexist sounding or not, your chances of becoming the victim of a violent crime are a lot higher than a guy's. This is a REALLY bad and dumb idea, part of growing up is learning how to deal with situations that you don't like, and your parents getting back together is their business, not yours. Get a job, save your money, then move out.
                    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                      Originally posted by Moon View Post
                      You will have to keep filling your tank because you will need to keep the car on all of the time for heat, can you afford that? You'll freeze to death without heat in a Michigan winter.
                      Moon speaks truth, but she won't freeze to death. My friends that live in their cars some live in MI and some in CO, both cold states. BUT! They have top notch quality sleeping bags and such. A few blankets will definitely not cut it. You need a below zero sleeping bag which can cost you a good amount.


                        Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                        Moon speaks truth, but she won't freeze to death. My friends that live in their cars some live in MI and some in CO, both cold states. BUT! They have top notch quality sleeping bags and such. A few blankets will definitely not cut it. You need a below zero sleeping bag which can cost you a good amount.
                        Hmmm...yeah, that's true. I somehow don't see the poster as the Les Stroud type
                        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                          OH... Living in a car in MI sounds like a really bad idea! I lived in MI for five years and pretty much traveled the whole state. Some of the towns are just plain dangerous. The unemployment rate in MI is still the highest in the whole country, but it is not impossible to find a job if you don't care about what you will be doing. Waiting tables is a very lucrative option and it allows you to find another job that pretty much fits your skills and interests. But you would have at least a reliable source of income.

                          I don't know where your SO lives, but if he lives in a college town it is pretty easy to find some roommates which will make things very affordable. You could at least do that until he is ready to move out as well and you guys can move in together. I can give you lots of information about MI, and if you happen to move to the Lansing area, I can even give you some addresses for decent jobs. Just PM me and we can talk.

                          So, I agree with everyone else here. i would make the move when you have the money to do so and stay with other family members until you have everything figured out. as soon as you find a job then go ahead and do it. Hope this helps a little bit.

                          PS: stay away from the trailer parks. They look cheap and like a good idea, but they are not.


                            Originally posted by Moon View Post
                            The cops can and will harass you for parking where they don't want you.
                            Moon has a really good point. My ex and I parked on a state park parking lot at night to have a heavy make out session. We got a 150 dollar ticket for trespassing because the park was closed.


                              Originally posted by Moon View Post
                              Ummm....No. You live in Michigan, and it's going to be freezing very soon.
                              This is the first thing I thought...
                              First met online: June, 2010
                              First met in person: August, 2011 (See the story of our first visit)
                              Second visit: December, 2011 (Christmas and New Years together!)
                              Third visit together: August, 2012
                              Fourth visit: December 2012 (Christmas and New Years together!)
                              Fifth visit: July 2013 (2 weeks here in Canada)
                              Sixth visit: December 2013 (Christmas and New Years together again and I finally met his mother!)
                              Next visit: Unknown... for now but coming up ASAP

