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Did you get a pet after closing the distance?

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    Did you get a pet after closing the distance?

    • What Pet did you get?
    • What's his/her name?
    • Did you plan on getting one?
    • Why did you get it?
    • How long after closing the distance did you get it?

    We got a dog, a beagle, from the shelter. He was around 9 months old when he came to live with us! His name is Samy!
    We did not plan on getting a dog so early on, but we missed being with dogs because we both grew up with them! We also had a dog (of the family of my bf) while living together in Mexico! We just missed having a dog around! When we got him in February, we were living close distance for 7 months already!

    Pictures are welcome!!

    Here are my bf and Samy:

    So, what about you?
    We don't have one yet, but planning to get one
    We don't plan on getting one, we don't want one
    Last edited by Lilly9886; September 7, 2013, 07:30 AM. Reason: picture!

    We had a baby instead. It's more or less the same, except eventually we won't have to deal with its poo and we can't leave it home alone.

    Seriously though, we didn't and won't be getting a pet. Animals live a long time, and as we're not settling in any one place it would be irresponsible of us to adopt any more fur babies than we already have. (We each left a cat with his parents in Canada.)
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      We will get a pet but since we still might be moving around a lot, it wouldnt be fair to get one just yet. Once we're somewhere long term we will be getting a dog though


        I'm a huge cat person and it's killing me not to have one. But for the time being we rent and are expanding our family in other ways so it just isn't feasible. Hopefully sometime in the future though.

        Met online: 1/30/11
        Met in person: 5/30/12
        Second visit: 9/12/12
        Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


          Well I use the term "we" loosely. *I* got a dog. It took me 6 months to find a job so I was bored at home all day. I convinced my SO to let me adopt a dog. So we got PERLITA! About a month or so after living in CR. My SO is not a fan of dogs, or at least pretends to hate them, so I take care of her mostly. He's warmed up to her, especially since she's a super fast runner, so he helps a little more. But she's basically my responsibility, which is fine. The shelter told us she was 2 years old when we adopted her and MAN were they liars. She was probably 8 months at the most. But anyways, I love that stupid dog. We think she's pointer/terrier mix. Maybe some whippet? She's so damn fast.

          After a walk with the backpack I made her.

          Sleeping. Crazy pretzel dog.

          Dog smile!


            Lilly and lucybelle, you both have adorable dogs!
            And you give me mad dog fever! I left "my" dog with my mum when I moved out, so I haven't had a pet for six years and I want to have a dog so badly.

            It's just bad timing right now. I will probably be at home a lot from October, but I don't think we're settled enough to get a dog just yet. We might be getting bunnies or guinea pigs, now that we're going to stay somewhere for longer than six months.
            My boyfriend is pretty indifferent about it. He's not against having pets per se, but he doesn't miss them either. He has never actually had any apart from fish (who, let's be honest, are not much of a pet), so he doesn't know how amazing they are.

            Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


              I already had two cats, but SO is a dog person and left two family dogs with his bro and stepdad when he moved to live with me, so a month ago we got Daisy, the cocker spaniel Despite being a cat person myself, I absolutely adore her. She's the friendliest little dog ever and we're having such fun training her to do things like give us a paw and taking her out on walks together.

              We weren't actually planning on getting one for a couple of months, but when we saw her pic online we knew she was ours


                We haven't adopted one yet, but we hope to eventually. We're planning an apartment move in the indefinite future, so we probably won't do it before then. As well, we're still trying to save for start-up pet supplies, food, adoption fees, vet bills, etc.

                We're cat people, so our pet will be a kitten or a cat.
                My heart belongs to a pilot!


                  Havent done the CD part yet, but we do speak about a Husky dog
                  "If you say you can't, you just don't want to"


                    kattermole your dog is super cute!

                    This one is moving in with me in the next 10 days his name is Joker because his face is half black, half white <3


                      My SO adopted the cutest little thing as a birthday suprise a couple of weeks ago (after being CD for about 2 months). His name i Dexter, and we think he's a Border Collie/Labrador/German Shepherd mix. All the dogs here are street dogs and it's impossible to tell which dog is what breed, but based on his looks and characteristics this is what we concluded :P

                      Also, here he is on the day we got him:

                      And about 1,5 weeks later. He's even bigger now!

                      Met online: February 2011
                      Met the first time: August 16, 2011


                        Well, SO and I haven't closed the distance yet but while living together over the summer we adopted a cat. We had talked about adopting a cat once we closed the distance (because we would be living in apartments for a while) and then once we got a house we both want a dog. However when the barn I went horseback riding at told us they had one kitten left that needed a new home, and basically handed her to me to pet, I fell in love with her. So we brought her home that day

                        Our fuzzy terror (also known as the little monster and the fuzzball), Domino, has been the sweetest cat ever. She is so well-mannered and respectful. You pick her up and she just goes limp and lets you carry her around. It's surprising because she was a half-feral barn kitten . She's an indoor cat now but we got her a harness and a leash and take her on little walks - she's warming up to those. She's still living with my SO now and I miss her a ton, but I'm glad my SO has the company while I'm gone (he lives alone - I have a roommate so it's not so bad).

                        Pictures because I think she's adorable.

                        The day we got her:

                        So, here you are
                        too foreign for home
                        too foreign for here.
                        Never enough for both.

                        Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


                          Awww such adorable pooches! I totally have a puppy fever - babies do nothing for me but I see a puppy and I physically ache for one. I think I'm officially middle-aged..

                          We'll probably get a hedgehog once we close the distance and a dog, eventually.

                          Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                            My SO and I are dog people, and I felt so lost without a dog in the house to look after, so 3-4 months after being CD when I found a new litter of puppies, we put our deposit down, moved to a pet-friendly apartment and waited a month or so for our puppy to come of age! When we were LD we did so much research into breeds etc- we'd named him probably over 2 years before he was even conceived! I wasn't actually looking to get a puppy so soon, but the whole situation was too perfect not to get him, and I am glad, because he has fit in with us so well I don't know what we'd do without him now. He's a Boston Terrier called Dave, and I love him to bits!

                            Puppy Dave:

                            Every Doggie needs a bow-tie!

                            <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                            <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                            The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                            <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                            <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                            Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                            Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                              Originally posted by Ejoriah View Post
                              Well, SO and I haven't closed the distance yet but while living together over the summer we adopted a cat. We had talked about adopting a cat once we closed the distance (because we would be living in apartments for a while) and then once we got a house we both want a dog. However when the barn I went horseback riding at told us they had one kitten left that needed a new home, and basically handed her to me to pet, I fell in love with her. So we brought her home that day

                              Our fuzzy terror (also known as the little monster and the fuzzball), Domino, has been the sweetest cat ever. She is so well-mannered and respectful. You pick her up and she just goes limp and lets you carry her around. It's surprising because she was a half-feral barn kitten . She's an indoor cat now but we got her a harness and a leash and take her on little walks - she's warming up to those. She's still living with my SO now and I miss her a ton, but I'm glad my SO has the company while I'm gone (he lives alone - I have a roommate so it's not so bad).

                              Pictures because I think she's adorable.

                              The day we got her:

                              That cat has the biggest ears ive ever seen! So cute!

