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Has anyone had to leave a pet behind?

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    Has anyone had to leave a pet behind?

    I will most likely be moving to the UK to be with my SO at the end of this year. I was just thinking today, has anyone had to leave a pet behind in a big move? I will have to leave my cat with my parents because I don't think she could handle such a big move.

    No. I have three dogs and a cat, and wouldn't leave any of them behind. To me, a pet is a pet for life.
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      I never had to give up a pet for a move, but I did have to give up a pet for my dating life so that sort of applies. I had a dog that was guy shy, which was fine until my male roommate nearly beat her to death. A few vet bills later she couldn't be around a new guy at all. I was dating at the time. It wasn't fair for me to have to give up my dating life at this age or for my dog to be traumatized by it on a regular basis. I rehomed her with a stable older family that had a farm. It sucked, but it had to be done.

      Edit: For the puppy lovers out there, I did move out that day and my dad resisted the urge to rough that guy up.


        I had to leave my cat at home when i moved out last august. She still lives in the same house she was raised in with my family that loves her. And I get to see her when in visit. I had to leave her BC my apartment doesn't allow cats, my bf is allergic and she's and indoor/outdoor cat. I didn't want to take her away from an outdoor environment she was familiar with. The process of forcing an outdoor cat to learn a new enviornment requires me to keep her inside until she learns that the new place is now home. That would make her miserable. She's happy at home with my parents, but I do miss her.
        "You want for myself
        You get me like no one else
        I am beautiful with you

        I am beautiful with you
        Even in the darkest part of me
        I am beautiful with you
        Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
        You're here with me
        Just show me this and I'll believe
        I am beautiful with you"



          I haven't had to yet, but I probably will. We were actually talking about it last night and I had never even thought of it before he asked what I was going to do when I eventually had to leave my cats. Then I realized, they're my mom and step-dad's cats, not mine.. I could probably take one or two, but I'd have to leave behind my favorite because she needs to be around the other cats. If I take her, I end up taking them all because it becomes of a thing of "I can't separate them, but if I take her too, I have to take him, and then if I take him... etc" I'd probably take one of the two cats that would do better as only kids. And then there's also my bird... But I'm not sure he'll even be alive the next time I move. He's old
          "You let me in your heart and out of my head."


            Originally posted by melarie View Post
            I haven't had to yet, but I probably will. We were actually talking about it last night and I had never even thought of it before he asked what I was going to do when I eventually had to leave my cats. Then I realized, they're my mom and step-dad's cats, not mine.. I could probably take one or two, but I'd have to leave behind my favorite because she needs to be around the other cats. If I take her, I end up taking them all because it becomes of a thing of "I can't separate them, but if I take her too, I have to take him, and then if I take him... etc" I'd probably take one of the two cats that would do better as only kids. And then there's also my bird... But I'm not sure he'll even be alive the next time I move. He's old
            Awww...that kind of sucks I can totally understand needing to leave behind family pets. Sorry about your bird, my dog is really old, too. She's 14.5, which is longer than a Dalmatian normally lives, but nobody told her that.
            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


              I'll be leaving my dog with my mother but they adopted each other the first week I brought her home. My mom and I joke about having to share custody when I leave. :P I could never leave my cats behind... but then, I made sure my SO was okay with cats and not allergic from date one. I learned from my ex that both of those are requirements.


                If I move, I would probably unfortunately leave my pet behind. I don't want her in a new, strange environment where she only knows me when she has a familiar house to go to right where she is and more people to look up to than one person. It will suck, but I think it's for the best that my pet would stay with the family home if I ever move. She gets pampered there and I don't have the money to pamper her that way if I ever move. I'd have to get to know my new neighbors to see if it would be a safe neighborhood for my dog to live in as well and that they aren't animal abusers.

                I just got back from lunch with a friend of mine and she told me she had a previous dog before and she thinks her neighbor poisoned her dog by giving her dog some sort of hot dog with something in it and it died. She also had a neighbor that killed his own dog that pissed me off hearing that. I'd only not take her because I wouldn't trust the new neighbors. Everyone in my current neighborhood knows each other and we are all friends and had block parties, etc. so we're fairly close and can trust each other.


                  I'm currently crate training my dog as I plan on putting her on a plane and flying her up to the USA in May. I'd never leave her behind.


                    I never considered "family pets" as my own, but I suppose I have had to "leave behind" 2 cats and 2 dogs. However, my cats - the ones that I have adopted - no. They are my kids, I would not leave them behind. When we get a dog, it will be the same way.

                    IMO - if you can't take your pet due to lease restrictions, find a new place to live. I understand that can be a challenge, but families require compromise. Pets are family.

                    2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                    Progress: Complete!

                    2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                    Progress: Working on it.


                      No...and when my SO moves here eventually, he will bring his three dogs....then we will have SIX.

                      I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


                        I don't believe in leaving animals behind. Pets are a commitment, like children.

                        With that said, my cat is in Canada with my inlaws, waiting five years for me to come back to him. It's simply too much to ask him to make the flight again (He's originally from Australia as am I) and to go through this country's strict quarantine process. I hate myself a little bit for it, and when he is gone I won't be getting any more long-lived pets whilst being internationally nomadic.
                        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                          Originally posted by Moon View Post
                          Awww...that kind of sucks I can totally understand needing to leave behind family pets. Sorry about your bird, my dog is really old, too. She's 14.5, which is longer than a Dalmatian normally lives, but nobody told her that.
                          Bless. My old Lab lived to be 17, we grew up together. She was almost like a sister to me. Passed away peacefully of old age, a little over two years ago. Not a day goes by that I don't remember her

                          I have no pets at the moment so it's not a worry. But I'd try to do what was best for them. If I had to move somewhere where the stress of the journey or climate was too stressful for the pet, I think I'd give them away to a good home, as difficult as it is.

                          Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                            I used to have a cat that I gave a new home when I was really sick, including very allergic. I always felt bad about giving my cat away, but also that the only other option was to put it down which I did not want. Otherwise, when I had cats I had them move with me. They adjusted. I visited my old cat and even though he was stressed at first, he adjusted to the new place and it was even good for him (when he moved, his brother had just died/been put down due to, and he was depressed and fat) - he seemed more dominant again and also fitter because he could run more freely. I am thinking about getting us a cat in Turkey, the rules for import to Norway seem doable in case he comes here.
                            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                              Originally posted by lyonsgirl View Post
                              I never considered "family pets" as my own, but I suppose I have had to "leave behind" 2 cats and 2 dogs. However, my cats - the ones that I have adopted - no. They are my kids, I would not leave them behind. When we get a dog, it will be the same way.

                              IMO - if you can't take your pet due to lease restrictions, find a new place to live. I understand that can be a challenge, but families require compromise. Pets are family.
                              This. I don't get it. We'll have three cats when we move out. So far three of five landlords and two of three apartment complexes (all of which have a 1-2 pet limit) have been willing to allow it or have a conversation about it with me when I've approached them honestly and openly about the situation. It's not easy, you deal with rejection, and you have to pay an increased deposit, but you wouldn't leave your human child if you could only afford to live in a child free community (these exist andit amuses me so much); you'd keep looking. My SO knows how important my cats are to me and he adores them too. We're both fortunate enough to have families that can/will support us until we move out this summer but a lot of people have that luxury. It would be a lot harder if I moved countries though, admittedly. My little boy is terrified of the car and had asthma attacks under stress that often require medication. A plane ride could easily kill him if stressed enough. So I understand the predicament for people who have to fly great distances and deal with quarantine, which is horrible.

