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Thinking of ways to temporarily close the distance and help my River Song out

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    Thinking of ways to temporarily close the distance and help my River Song out

    Hey guys out there hope your all well in whatever timezone you may be in

    So Meg aka River on here and I have been talking about the possibility of her temporarily transferring over here to the UK to enroll at the local University in my City on a Student Visa after Christmas to finish her degree and live with me as from what she tells me she's currently paying close to the equivalent £15,000 in tuition and other fees at Auburn University of Montgomery and it would in effect be a lot cheaper for her to finish her degree over here or my possibly enrolling over there at her school to pursue voice acting

    What do you guys think to this idea?
    As one door closes another always opens and now I look to the future with a new outlook and perspective on life, it's an open book and I'm ready for the next chapter

    International students usually pay a lot more than what a citizen would pay


      Is it £15,000 a year? Because then, I think.. if I'm not mistaken international costs in the UK might be cheaper ? But it's still so much more money than my Canadian university. :P But I know some US universities can be crazy expensive, or so I've heard.

      You should research student visas and see more if it is something you can do. How is she financing her education now? Because student loans overseas can be tricky, it might work but you have to make sure the school is designated and stuff.. but if she is lucky enough to be financed by a parent or worked her butt off and saved all that money, then you could be in luck.. although remember, VISAS and accommodation cost money as well.. I'm not sure if you have taken that into consideration - however, if it is a local university maybe you will be lucky to live together.

      Before I applied at the university in my country, I wanted to go to university in the UK so bad but I couldn't just go anywhere because I wanted to be able to stay with my boyfriend if I went there, but then it's also more expensive.. and if I wasn't at his uni/college, I would not get to see him all the time, so it would suck to be so close but not get to see him much because I would be studying a lot too.

      I think you should look up the student visa on the UK website, they changed the website recently.. and write down everything.. it all depends on how much money you have saved up too.. if you are able to.

      EDIT: OH AND ALSO- I'm not sure how well her degree will transfer to your local university.. so you might want to check that out!!


        Really appreciate all of your responses, and thank you James for posting this honey =)

        It's only been an idea - no big solid definite plans in place or hopes given up. I have said that finances would be the biggest issue. Where I go to school now I use PACT, a pre-paid college tuition program my parents and my grandfather got me when I was young. I doubt it'll transfer out of the country like that. I am a senior with only a couple years left really. I think we got the calculations/conversion wrong because when I calculated this morning how much my current tuition is it varies between $1000/$2500 depending how many classes I take ($2600 is total for 3 classes in a semester and at my school we can't be enrolled less than 2 classes typically, depending how many credits they are). I know a lot of people who come to my school to go to college who are international students but I do think they all come from privileged background which I of course did not. We also don't have a lot of money saved up at present ourselves, and does take us a while to save up ourselves to visit each other.

        Also, curious to ask, if he came here to go to school would he qualify for financial aid as an immigrant? He does want to become a voice actor and my school does have a theatre department with great teachers.

        Thank you guys so much! You're wonderful!!

        First met and got together in the UK May 17th 2014
        Spent our first week together in the UK May 17th-May 24th 2014
        Next visit PLANNED for James to visit Alabama January 23rd-31st 2015
        I return to UK to meet his family May 16th-24th 2015 =)

        That is, Lord willin' and the creek don't rise...


          Originally posted by River Song View Post

          Also, curious to ask, if he came here to go to school would he qualify for financial aid as an immigrant?
          If you could do that, then everyone would go to England looking for aid.....which they do already from the East but you can't just move and look for aid. Especially coming from the USA. He'd have to apply for a visa and qualify with enough money. When I had a visa for the UK if you didn't have enough money then you didn't get the visa. I don't get why a country would let someone in if they are just looking for financial aid.


            what you want to do, is search for financial aid/scholarship from your OWN country to go study abroad. Also, look into if it is possable to work part time as a student when he is there.
            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


              Yeah, I wouldn't count on financial aid for coming as an immigrant (and if anything it should be from your own country like differentcountries said.. almost all the times if you are an immigrant you can't access 'public funds') .. although I think there are some international scholarships available so you can look into that kind of thing.. I'm not sure if there would be any that would be suitable to your position. I'm not even sure what they look like anymore but I do remember seeing a few random ones when I was looking at studying in the UK previously. You can always have a look, although they might be for specific schools and that might not work so great you never know until you search, might be something.

              But yeah by the sounds of things from your (River) position, you would be best finishing off in the USA since you are getting it paid for which is awesome, and you are so close to being finished and it would just cost more especially since the courses likely wouldn't transfer that neatly.

              And besides that just try and get a job/work lots and save up because for these international relationships, money seems always the biggest factor.

