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NY or VT... or anything close to Ottawa Canada?

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    NY or VT... or anything close to Ottawa Canada?

    Hey guys, help me out here.

    I am closing my gap with my SO and my lease is ending here in Texas heading up to the cold. I have to stay in the states for about 10 months until our wedding, and I want to be as close as I can to him for easy access for visits obviously Texas is the furthest you can be. I need to be close to help with planning the wedding. I am just finishing up university here so I can move. I know that Syracuse NY is close. The only problem is I'm not a huge fan of the 303 days of gloomy weather in NY, but I have to do something to be closer. I prefer a city that does use buses, I have a car but enjoy public transpo saves me a load. I'm moving in less than two months. I looked at Burlington VT thats not to far but the flats are a bit steep. What are your thoughts on syracuse or any other places very near that wouldn't take a far drive, gas, or time to get to ottawa canada?


    I wouldve said Buffalo but its pretty far from Ottawa...
    maybe check google maps for some cities/towns close the border?


      I live in Vermont. But, I did live in Syracuse several years back. I loved it there- except for winters. The lake effect snow could be miserable, but having lived in the north east most of my life, it wasn't too much of an adjustment. Burlington is a great little city, and if you really look you can find something decent to rent for less. (Though I have no idea what rental price you're looking for?) It sounds like you wouldn't necessarily want a year long lease, so what about renting a room in someone's home? Or, I'm sure you could find a roommate situation easily in Burlington with the number of students in that area. As for other suggestions... If you want to stay right up along the border of Canada, you'll find a lot of smaller towns, but public transportation would be tricky, I'm guessing. Perhaps Plattsburgh? Or Watertown?


        Thanks we decided on Burlington.. and taking a trip next month for a few weeks to find a roomie! I just need 10 months or less maybe even just 8 or 7. Enough time to plan a weeding lol... I like the seasons of Burlington a lot. I have a car I'll be okay I know Burlington has a transpo system though. I'm a little more small town girl and a bit scared of the bigger cities like NY.


          I was going to suggest Plattsburgh, NY, which is about 3 hours, but I guess Burlington's good too.

          I feel like it'd be easy to find a place in Plattsburgh since there's a SUNY campus there. College kids = apartments for decent prices.

          If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


            Thanks Ill check it out... we can't do Burlington VT anyways.. although I got a job offer there. I have to worry about demographics I'm biracial. We may stick to NY Albany, Rochester, Syracuse, or something like that.. It's looking to be Albany though because it has a decent population enough to get a small job and at least black people around..itll be a larger place for me than I'm use to though so I'm scared about driving around but I'll have to s urvive hah.. thanks.

