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    Who would have thought that a simple task of selling a home would be so *^&*$#@ frustrating. Just spoke with an investor and about flipped at this guys answer of NO deal and then emailed his realtor...and she called me.

    His house needs work. So in best case scenario...he needs a flipper to come in and pay cash.

    Times are tough. For everyone.

    If that house doesn't sell...he can't move...

    LDR stays LDR.

    Wedding already was postponed.

    My heart is breaking.

    And what is his say in this?

    It will sell honey...just believe.

    God I love him..
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

    Originally posted by Karringtyn View Post
    And what is his say in this?

    It will sell honey...just believe.

    God I love him..
    I'm with him, it will all work out!

    Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
    And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


    Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


      Give yourself some time to be mad, frustrated, and angry. And then put your big girl pants back on. It's hard, but you've got the strength and the love of a great person to carry you through it.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        I also agree. I do know how frustrating it is when plays go array though UGH! But things will work out because they are supposed to! Good luck =)


          Deep breaths, love, deep breaths.

          I know it's infuriating, and I think I can safely say that everyone here wants his house to sell as badly as you do.

          Is there a way he can try and contact flippers, try to work out a deal? He may have to widen his net, past just NH, see if there's someone in Maine, Vermont, or Massachusetts who'll take the project.

          In the mean time, everyone here is rooting for you guys, and we're all here for you. Fingers crossed and much love.

          If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


            It will work out *hugs* keep positive hun!


              Just a little bit longer. You know it'll be worth the wait in the end so don't lose hope. =)


                I know how much you must hate this answer but there's not much you can do except be patient

                The house WILL sell, it's only a matter of when. I always get really impatient when there's less time to wait to see Andy and I guess that's sort of the case with you, knowing that there's only this one thing standing in the way of you closing the distance.

                Now read that again: there's only this one thing standing in the way of you closing the distance.

                Do you know how lucky you are? The house could sell tomorrow and that's it! No more LDR. It might be a week, a month, maybe even a year but you know FOR SURE that once it does the distance is all over. I'm so jealous

                Some of us (like me and Andy) have absolutely no idea when we can get together for good and it's frustrating and hard... I'm not saying you're not dealing with these feelings cause I know you are. But in your case, it's just a bit of waiting

                Stay strong and don't let this waiting discourage you, you will get your man and your dream wedding Luce


                  I know how frustrating it is to not know for sure when something is going to happen, and when it's as important as this, it's even worse. Try to have faith that you're meant to be with him, and it will happen.


                    It has to sell! If it doesnt soon I will come over and force someone to buy it with my angry look :angry: haha
                    But seriously Im sure it'll sale it just needs time
                    Stay strong and maybe set up a way you can cam with each other? It's not the same as in person but you get to see him in some way
                    And remember soon you will be with him for a weekend! ^__^ So yaaaaaaaaaay *huuuugs*


                      I know how you feel. I can totally relate. Since about Jan 2010 Frank and I decided we would both live in Maine and that to do that he would have to get a job here. (I had moved there for about a week but moved back immediately after my mom died unexpectedly and honestly not dream of trying to move again) He's had two interviews but no luck in landing a job and I thought he would be with me by now. It is frustrating that something as simple as a job keeps us apart. Sometimes I just want him to come up here and live with me but of course that is not the smartest thing to do. But it sometimes feels like it will never happen.
                      Read my LDR story!


                        Originally posted by Michelle View Post
                        I know how you feel. I can totally relate. Since about Jan 2010 Frank and I decided we would both live in Maine and that to do that he would have to get a job here. (I had moved there for about a week but moved back immediately after my mom died unexpectedly and honestly not dream of trying to move again) He's had two interviews but no luck in landing a job and I thought he would be with me by now. It is frustrating that something as simple as a job keeps us apart. Sometimes I just want him to come up here and live with me but of course that is not the smartest thing to do. But it sometimes feels like it will never happen.
                        Exactly....a lot of people will say..."just have him move here and rent it out..."..

                        that isn't the answer. It is very hard to RENT from a distance. He wants to buy this home. He doesnt want two mortgages...Right now my ex owns this property...Dan will buy from him when the time comes. Selling *this house* home...will finalize our divorce.

                        So some of you least that is the ONLY thing in the isn't necessarily as easy as it seems. I struggle day to day financially..the kids miss him isn't just me in this LDR it's my three, me and my will be SO much better for us so many ways.

                        Thank you all for your support.
                        NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                          honey i believe him, it will sell eventually! economy sucks right now and he;s right...BELIEVE!!


                            Just keep the faith - yes the economy is terrible, but it is a buyer's market and you never know who is looking for a deal...

