I was talking with my fiance the other day, and I laid my feelings bare. I said that I am finding this situation really tough, and it was making the distance feel bigger than before. Because of the that, it's highlighted how much I miss him, and how alone I really am. I said that I don't want to be alone anymore, and I can't stand the distance between us. I said I would be content to move to Northern Ireland if it meant that we could close the distance after the international borders are lifted. In essence, I asked him to move in with me, and he said it would be nice to know that we could close the distance when the borders open again. 
It feels so strange to say this, as our relationship has always been a bit muddled in it's progression. We fell in love and talked of marriage before we met. Then we got engaged after one visit. Now we're talking of moving in together, but in order for it to happen we need to marry before we can do that.
I guess it's something like an old fashioned relationship, where you don't spend much time together before you're married to one another.
I also told him that I knew he was worried as we haven't spent much time together, and said that to my mind we already knew the important things about each other. We know each other intimately and emotionally as we share the same scars and we've been through the same battles. We also know each other's darkest parts and love each other despite them. There is nothing that could make me leave him.
I will be honest, and say that I know it won't be easy for either of us. The visa is the official part that I worry about most.

It feels so strange to say this, as our relationship has always been a bit muddled in it's progression. We fell in love and talked of marriage before we met. Then we got engaged after one visit. Now we're talking of moving in together, but in order for it to happen we need to marry before we can do that.
I guess it's something like an old fashioned relationship, where you don't spend much time together before you're married to one another.

I also told him that I knew he was worried as we haven't spent much time together, and said that to my mind we already knew the important things about each other. We know each other intimately and emotionally as we share the same scars and we've been through the same battles. We also know each other's darkest parts and love each other despite them. There is nothing that could make me leave him.
I will be honest, and say that I know it won't be easy for either of us. The visa is the official part that I worry about most.