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Move close or Move in together?

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    unless we get married before we close the distance, i'm gonna have to live by myself since he's in the military. i'd rather move in for a couple reasons. first, i'm SOOO tired of being away from him all the freaking time. second, i hate every state other than mine and i KNOW it'll be really hard for me to meet people and make friends. plus, there's the whole "california is freaking expensive and the job i have now sucks, so i can't save money" thing.
    we spent a week pretty much living together and it was wonderful. i'd definitely prefer to start our new life sooner, rather than later.

    and if the relationship didn't work out, he wouldn't screw me over and abandon me, but i would move back to my state.


      If moving in together hadn't been an option, I'd go share an apartment with a few others, or find a room in a hall of residence...
      'Cause I cannot and will not live alone in a silent, empty apartment. That thought is honest to god scary..


        Originally posted by Luisina View Post
        'Cause I cannot and will not live alone in a silent, empty apartment. That thought is honest to god scary..
        I used to hate the idea of living by myself too. Now I've been living in my 1-bedroom apartment for almost a year and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! I thought for sure I'd get lonely (I used to hate going to the grocery store by myself!) but I really enjoy living by myself. I'm sooooo glad I don't have roommates any more. And it's worked out great since my SO is going to be moving in with me, I don't have to ask anyone's permission


          I told my guy that, even though our move would be international, that I'd like to live separately for at least a year, if at all possible. We're both very independent, used to living on our own, and we both like our space. My thought is that this way we could get used to being together all the time gradually, and if it gets too intense in the beginning, we have our own places to go to. That being said, I think we'd be wasting money within weeks, as we'd spend all our time together, but I'd rather do that than have us put ourselves in a situation that could get ugly and damaging. We've both got a lot of cohabitation experience, and it was pretty negative for us, so we'd be very careful this time, as the relationship means so much to us.
          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


            I would either need to move close or have a two bedroom place. Both of us are introverts and really need our alone time. I even wanted my own bed back to myself after I stayed with him for only a week once. I love him to death, but I also occasionally need to be able to lay across my bed in the most hoggish way with all the blankets cocooned around me to sleep well, lol, not to mention the bright night light I need for my achluophobia (fear of darkness) when he prefers almost complete darkness. He gets sick of sharing the bed too after a while, or so he says XD

            So I guess in the end it depends on how you two work together as a couple, where you are in your relationship, and what you are comfortable with.


              Move in together.

              If we would only move close together I'd be spending the days and nights at her place anyway, so...


                Move in together!
                NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                  I have to say move in, because back at home we already live really close (like 3 blocks from eachother) School's really the only thing separating us from living together right now.


                    I'm going through this with my SO now.. I had already planned to move to Scotland for the year but now instead of staying 30 minutes by train away from him, we've just recently decided I'll stay in his city. Although it would be soooo much cheaper for us to stay together, it doesn't seem like it'll happen. He seems a wee bit old fashioned, and I don't think his parents would care for the idea very much. I just think it would be easier for our relationship to live together seeing how I'll be moving the 3600 miles to be in the country for him. Not too mention it would make more sense seeing how we'll be together every night anyways. Oh yeah, and I'd be a little paranoid to go out at night alone haha. Oh well, I won't press the issue to him,so I guess we'll never know :P


                      It depends on where I'll go to uni.
                      If I decide for the same uni as him, we'll move in together. My other option is a university about 100km from the one where he's going. But 100km, especially with free transportation, is still A LOT better than what we have now

                      Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.

