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Friday, 2-11

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    Friday, 2-11

    Hey, ya'll

    Sorry I've not been around but not having net at home other than my cell phone makes keeping up with the forums a difficult thing. I've thought about you all and have perused some of the threads. I am glad to see so many still here and still hanging on to the one they love

    Well, according to his last Facebook status and the comments there in, Billy will leave Kuwait around noon this Friday and land around 10 AM on the same Friday...Gotta love the international date line huh? His plans, as far as I can see, are that a couple of chick friends will be picking him up (one offered and the other was I'd like to ride with) take him out for breakfast and then he is going to one of his sisters' house where he will stay for a few days. I figure he will be recovering from the jet lag for most of the weekend.

    Beyond that, who knows what's going to happen. I figure we will get together in the next couple of weeks, and then we'll either be just friends or something more. I really am convinced it will be the former, since we've not spoken or chatted since about a week after he headed back in December. I am sad about it when I think about it but otherwise it's same ol, same ol--which speaks volumes.

    I hope everyone has a great Valentine's! I think about you all often, and will still be around no matter what. Who knows...if this ends up the way I think, I just might need some support in my next relationship

    Hey Gurl! Glad to hear from you I was wondering how you're doing. And we are here for you whether you're in a relationship or not!


      It's good to hear from your, Gurl. I hope life keeps treating you well, and we're happy to have you here, no matter what your relationship status.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        That's the spirit Gurl! I've missed you you know! I've been absent myself though but I'm back for good now and great to see so are you

        Let's make this forum go craaaazyyyyyy

        and ps fingers crossed for the old spark to be lit again....


          Thanks ladies


            awesome to hear from you. So glad that you seem to be taking everything in stride!
            as already has been said, we are here for you no matter what you do, and love your company around the forum!
            hope to see you around more soon!

