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Closing The Distance Tattoo

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    Closing The Distance Tattoo

    Hi LFAD!

    So I'm closing the distance (again) at the end of this month, yaay. I've been wanting a tattoo for a long time and my partner and I have made plans to have some done together this summer.

    But, anyway. I've decided that it would be nice to have one done before I leave my country and start my new life in Canda with him.

    I've always seen tattoos as a representation of a certain time in your life you wish to never forget. Like sort of marking a milestone if you know what I mean. I just like the idea of getting a tattoo that will always represent my move from my country, marking the start of my big adventure.

    I'm kind of stuck on what, though.
    I'm from Wales and I'll be moving to Canada.

    I'm also a BIG Swansea City fan, they're my local football team. I really love their emblem and think it would look nice as a tattoo as it's not an obvious football tattoo.

    So far I'm liking the idea of having a sort of anklet tattoo, like a chain, and maybe that swan logo inside a pendant hanging off the chain?

    Any ideas guys?

    Tattoos are extremely personal and what you like might not necessarily be what other people like. So no matter what everyone says here I think you should do whatever you decide!

    That aside-- (hehe) my general rule for tattoos is decide what you want, then wait at least 6 months to a year. If you still want it, get it. I'm not a big fan of tattoos on ankles (that and they hurt like a B!), but if that's what you want-- go for it!



      I've been toying with the idea for so long and I know I really want to do this. And I really like the idea of getting one done here in Wales before I leave for Canada. I'm almost certain I'd like to have the swan on it, and I've been thinking of the anklet idea for months and months. Think I'll head on up to the tattoo place today and see what he sais.


        I was thinink of gettin a tattoo after closing the distance too!
        i was thining of the 'faith' side of this picture on my right shoulder blade

        Faith because taht what it will have taken ALOT of and a huge leap of to get there!


          That's lovely!

          So I'm going back up there next week and I'm having the rosary beads around my ankle with an anchor at the end. The anchor being very fitting as we'll be living on our sailboat and will be sailing the world together in a couple of years.

          I was thinking of having a swallow sometime too. That has a lot to do with the sea and travelling it seems.


            I think a tattoo would be cool.


              So Thursday I'm going to have my first tattoo done! =)
              I'm having rosary beads around my ankle but instead of a cross hanging from it, I'm having an anchor. Very fitting I reckon. Can't wait =)


                So Thursday I'm going to have my first tattoo done! =)
                I'm having rosary beads around my ankle but instead of a cross hanging from it, I'm having an anchor. Very fitting I reckon. Can't wait =)


                  Sweet! That sounds like a very cool tattoo! Good luck


                    Me and my SO want to get 'Pinky Promise' Tattooed on our right pinky fingers, just a little thing we have going lol


                      I'm planning to get a tattoo shortly before closing the distance too
                      Something little to represent my beloved Canada, no clue what to do yet, but I've got a while to think about it! And it's sad to think about leaving Canada, haha.

                      I've always liked Swansea's logo! Go for it!!

                      And welcome to Canada!! You must be so excited to be closing the distance

                      Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                      Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                      Closed the distance June 18, 2012!

