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Frank got a job in Maine!

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    Congrats to you both!


      I can't believe I didn't see this before! CONGRATS! !!!!
      Join the Photography Group Today!


        Michelleeee! When are you gonna tell us all about your big move?? How's the apartment? I love your new profile picture


          Oh geez. Where to start? Well my move got delayed 6 days because my grandfather ended up in the hospital. He has had congestive heart failure for years, and we thought that this was it. The doctor said he wouldn't make it and the only thing keeping him alive was the life support and the decision was made to take him off life support and say goodbye. So that's what we did. It was horrible :'( He was read his last rites. We all spent the night there in the hospital. I slept on a fold out chair bed right in his room. Miraculously he pulled through. The doctor was baffled and his cardiologist nearly dropped the phone laughing (he was so happy) when he was told he was alive and talking. He wasn't out of the woods and was in the hospital for a few more days and I drove the hour up to the hospital everyday.

          So he is now back home receiving hospice care. My dad felt comfortable enough with my grandfather's situation to help me move down to be with Frank (I needed him to drive the U-Haul so I could drive my car down). Poor Frank had to experience his first week of his new job and in our new place without me being there.

          We are doing great though. Henry (my dog) seems to like the new place, though not at first - he really missed his brother, Louie and my dad. We went up this last weekend to go visit my grandfather (he really wanted to have a chance to see Frank again) and also to go to the fair. I had to leave Henry so he could go to the vet (he has a hotspot/skin infection and an ear infection) but he's coming back tomorrow with my sister and brother who were coming to visit anyway.

          Our first challenge was getting food in our cabinets and fridge :P Frank was living on PB&J and frozen burritos before I moved in. Frank and I never really ate healthy before and we have decided that when we moved in together that we would start a whole new healthy lifestyle. So we've been eating healthy and it's been fun so far.

          Our apartment is lacking decor. It's kind of blah right now. But we're working on it. Our furniture doesn't fit. We're using a futon as a couch for now, and it is really huge for our living room. The coffee table is way too huge. And the kitchen table is also way too huge. So we're saving up to furnish this place a bit better

          We're really happy and have been enjoying this so much. We're in that period where it's weird because I'm used to being with Frank 100% of the time we're together during our visits, but now it's work, come home, eat, sleep, go back to work... with not a lot of time in between to just hang out... even so, we definitely LOVE seeing each other every day.

          One really awesome thing is not having to use the phone so much. Frank and I usually talked 1-2 hours a night on the phone.

          Sorry for not updating. I had initially planned to take tons of pictures and video of the move but with everything going on in my family the mood was quite solemn.
          Read my LDR story!


            I'm sorry to hear about your grandad. He sounds like a one tough guy though

            I know what you mean by the lack of time together - when you fit your lives together and both have to do your jobs and other things there's not too much time left for just hanging out! I think me and Andy used to talk a lot more before we closed the distance. Guess one just have to make time to be together, just like when being LD.

            So so happy for you both! I can't wait to see pictures of the place

            ps Glad to hear Henry likes it there too!


              Glad things are going well! I just told Dan I missed our long phone we use to talk SOOO much. But I will take this life any day.

     happy for you! Pictures!!!!!!!!!!!
              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                i just realised i never said Congrats!!
                i'm really happy things are going good for you guys, may you have wonderful days together ahead
                Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
                And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
                ~Richard Bach

                “Always,” said Snape.

