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Finally closing the distance after 5 years! UK/USA couple - surprise for SO advice?

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    Finally closing the distance after 5 years! UK/USA couple - surprise for SO advice?

    Hey everyone,

    It's been awhile since I've visited the LFAD forums, but I'm so happy with this news that it was hard for me to contain myself.

    Short story: I'm from the Midwest USA, he's from the UK. We met back when Skype had this magical mode called "SkypeMe" mode and we were both in university. After I graduated, I pranced off to Japan to work and live there for three years (2007-2010) while he finished up school and I'd visit him during my holidays. Went back home last summer and since then I've been back in the states for one year, and we applied for the K1 visa last October. He was approved just last Wednesday! (YAY!) It didn't actually take a year for the whole process, he's just currently on contract with work until the end of September. He'll be here in mid-October.

    SO EXCITED CAN'T WAIT KJFKJEWLRSD ohmygosh. It'll have been nearly a year since we've seen each other face to face.. our tentative wedding date is 11/11/11! (I'll have to explain my reasoning on that date too, later. XD)

    I just thought I'd ask for people for advice or ideas on what to do to surprise him when he arrives at the airport?

    This is really a big deal for both of us: the start of our lives finally being physically present together and a closure of the most agonizing and terrible distance yet, so to make this moment special for both of us would mean the absolute world.

    Here's what I thought of so far:
    - greeting him with a big sign that says "Welcome home!" or "Welcome to the USA!"
    - balloons? I had this dorky idea of getting two balloons and drawing our faces on them and tying them together and letting them go to signify that we're finally together. Oh, and tying a card or something with our wishes for the future.. ? (When we've already left the airport, of course.)
    - just a few weeks ago I started learning how to play the ukulele. Play a song for him at the airport? (That sounds a bit much, but I'd be that happy to do it!)

    There probably isn't much I can do since I'm sure there will be lots of hugging involved, but I'd still like to make this special for him in some way. (I do plan to take him out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants for dinner so that's already taken care of!)

    Any ideas, past experiences, advice, or stories would be much appreciated! Thanks!

    P.S. Although, I have to admit, if it were something as big as this, it would be pretty amazing:

    That video gave me goosebumps! I haven't had any special home coming experiences, but the ukulele sounds kind of cool. (: If you don't really want to play at the airport you can do it in the car on the way back so he can hear you better. Congratulations on closing the distance! Very happy for you.


      Wow congratulations!!!!! That must be so exciting!
      I don't have any idea for the awelcome but Im curious of what you gonna do hehehe


        Wow congratulations!!!!! That must be so exciting!
        I don't have any idea for the awelcome but Im curious of what you gonna do hehehe


          I'm sorry I don't have any really great ideas (or, um, any ideas at all...), but as another midwestern girl in love with an Englishman, your story gives me hope. =)



            Wow! Congrats on getting the K1 Must be an amazing feeling after all this time of being LD!

            I don't have any great ideas but I think making a fun poster would be good.


              Congratulations!!!! When my SO moved in with me I decorated our apartment. I put up huge letters saying "Welcome Home!", I had streamers, balloons, everything. I also had lots of little hearts saying all the reasons I loved him up on the walls. (It was Valentine's day the day he moved in). I also bought wine and cheese and crackers and fruit so we could just stay in and relax. I didn't do anything in the airport because... well my mom had to pick him up because I was at work! haha! But he was very surprised when he walked into the apartment.


                Hey everyone,

                Thanks so much for your comments and support! I've been trying to write ideas down and went to some craft stores and a party accessories store to think up more stuff.

                Minerva - That's awesome! My guy is Scottish - kilt and all.

                Lucybelle - Wow, that sounds really sweet! Yeah, simple and relaxing will be something to consider since I'm sure he'd be tired after a long flight. It will all depend on him and his mood.

                Later on in the week(s) after he's arrived, we're thinking of having a "We're Finally Fricking Together Party™" of some sort. He used to work at a paintball center, so we thought of having a party involving paintball in some way and having our friends wearing signs of all the obstacles we had to go through in our relationship (i.e. time zone differences, crappy internet connections hindering our ability to talk on Skype, not getting to spend time with each other's physical presence, each time we thought of "I wish s/he were here", being uncommunicative because we call each other after/before work and so on, the list goes on) and just blasting the heck out of those people -- erm, I mean, past obstacles. Heh.

                (Is it weird he's being more involved with that than I am?)

                It will also be his first time celebrating an American Thanksgiving and Christmas with me in the United States! We're sooooo excited! It's great that the list of all the things we're looking forward to is so much longer than all the crap that's been in our way before deciding to finally close the distance.


                  OMG! That video brought me to tears! So awesome! I think it would be cool to have a poster and have someone to videotape you guys so you remember that day and your reactions forever. I might be late with my idea, but still
                  Congrats on closing the distance! I am jealous :P


                    Wow congrats on closing the distance! I love your party idea btw

                    Having a sign/poster at the airport is a great idea...could you also get a friend or someone to take a picture of the moment when you both see each other at the airport?

                    You could always do a flashmob

