I sort of always thought I'd be married by now....also thought I'd have graduated by now lol [[eh, just one more semester]]...and thought I'd be starting on a kid by now. But I'd say it all worked out for the better!
So now the plans are that I will student teach and graduate in the Fall. I'll probably just substitute until summer 2011. 1) not a whole lot of teachers will quit in the middle of the school year 2) there are a lot of cuts around here and not much hiring. With a degree I should get about $60 a day and I plan on keeping my part-time/weekend job. So I'm anticipating roughly $1600 a month if I sub every day and work my normal weekend hours. [[so i'm thinking plenty enough money to hold off just one semester on starting a job/permanent position and start saving up for when the SO is back home]]
Then the SO comes home Feb-March 2011. My parents have land for me here, his parents have land for him there. It's only 2 hours away, so I'm planning on moving with him. There is about a $6000 difference btw teaching there and here where I'm. I know it's not about the money....but when I'm doing the same thing, and even have the same rural area small school....it matters! Then it really matters just what he decides to do (school wise and all) but get married within the next year or two and then hopefully a family real soon because I'll already be 24 this November and always imagined I'd be pretty settled and starting a family by 25-26. ahahaah
I usually tell him, "Just so you know you're coming home and proposing to me within the first few months, so you better start saving for a ring. Then we'll be married within the next couple of yours and have two kids. A boy and a girl, Jude and Lucy. Jude can do your hunting and bmx stuff, but Lucy is going to be into dance and theater." At which point he always tells me, "oh ok...so I have no say, and if we have a little girl she'll be into bmx too. But it doesn't matter bc once I come home I still have 5 years until I propose." I told him, "No, I'm giving you a year and our girl doing BMX is just fine, but one of our kids be it our boy or girl is doing dance and theater!"
We joke about it! But we've also had real conversations about what we want/expect.

So now the plans are that I will student teach and graduate in the Fall. I'll probably just substitute until summer 2011. 1) not a whole lot of teachers will quit in the middle of the school year 2) there are a lot of cuts around here and not much hiring. With a degree I should get about $60 a day and I plan on keeping my part-time/weekend job. So I'm anticipating roughly $1600 a month if I sub every day and work my normal weekend hours. [[so i'm thinking plenty enough money to hold off just one semester on starting a job/permanent position and start saving up for when the SO is back home]]
Then the SO comes home Feb-March 2011. My parents have land for me here, his parents have land for him there. It's only 2 hours away, so I'm planning on moving with him. There is about a $6000 difference btw teaching there and here where I'm. I know it's not about the money....but when I'm doing the same thing, and even have the same rural area small school....it matters! Then it really matters just what he decides to do (school wise and all) but get married within the next year or two and then hopefully a family real soon because I'll already be 24 this November and always imagined I'd be pretty settled and starting a family by 25-26. ahahaah
I usually tell him, "Just so you know you're coming home and proposing to me within the first few months, so you better start saving for a ring. Then we'll be married within the next couple of yours and have two kids. A boy and a girl, Jude and Lucy. Jude can do your hunting and bmx stuff, but Lucy is going to be into dance and theater." At which point he always tells me, "oh ok...so I have no say, and if we have a little girl she'll be into bmx too. But it doesn't matter bc once I come home I still have 5 years until I propose." I told him, "No, I'm giving you a year and our girl doing BMX is just fine, but one of our kids be it our boy or girl is doing dance and theater!"
