Fellow LongDistancers... Tonight I ask for your help! SO and I have been experiencing some difficult times and I thought that it is time for him to know how loved he is and how far our love can reach if we hang in there. At the moment I am broke so no expensive international shipment or stuff like that, but I came up with an idea that I hope you all could help me with! I was wondering if you all wanted to be part of a gift that I am planning for him. I am collecting love notes from all over the world and then make a video. The task is simple. It is to write a simple note, doesn't matter what language it is on, that goes along the lines of...
Delia's love for you is so big that it reached all the way to
Here are some examples in case you would like to contribute!
It can be taken anywhere and anytime and. It's just as quick as writing the note and snap a pic of somewhere around you! If it comes with a nice background of your cities or town, even better, but anything is valid. Some of the pictures that I have received already have been amazing because each person is adding their personal touch, they have had their kids holding banners, or just catched a glimpse of sunset.
If you are in, you can share it here on this thread or you can message and we can arrange a way for me to receive the picture. I would be forever grateful if I could get as much help as I can, my goal is to at least reach the 100 notes and making that man remember why we are so worthy of our struggle.
Thanks in advance!
Yours truly, Delia
Delia's love for you is so big that it reached all the way to
Here are some examples in case you would like to contribute!
It can be taken anywhere and anytime and. It's just as quick as writing the note and snap a pic of somewhere around you! If it comes with a nice background of your cities or town, even better, but anything is valid. Some of the pictures that I have received already have been amazing because each person is adding their personal touch, they have had their kids holding banners, or just catched a glimpse of sunset.
If you are in, you can share it here on this thread or you can message and we can arrange a way for me to receive the picture. I would be forever grateful if I could get as much help as I can, my goal is to at least reach the 100 notes and making that man remember why we are so worthy of our struggle.
Thanks in advance!
Yours truly, Delia