In a few weeks I will be meeting my SO for the first time. We have been talking since the end of June, and I call him my SO for lack of a better name right now. I'm not really sure what to consider our relationship at this point, even though we talk nearly everyday and have become really close. I guess on this meeting we will have a "define the relationship" talk. Anyway, to get to the purpose of this post, I was wondering if you got your SO a gift the very first time you met. At first, I didn't know if I should or not, but then I thought that I wanted to get him a small gift, but I don't know what. He went out of the country on a trip recently, and he said he had me something he bought there, but he didn't say what it was.
So, did you get your SO a gift, and if so, what did you get him/her?
So, did you get your SO a gift, and if so, what did you get him/her?