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Giving him a story

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    Giving him a story

    I don't write, I am not a good writer and it isn't something I have done since I was in school. I don't know why it happened but when I met my SO I was overcome by this urge to write a story. It could have been in part to the smutty book I was reading but the day after meeting I wrote like a mad person about our meeting, but in the form of a story. I wrote for days but I never finished it and only got part way through the night of us meeting. I don't know if it is any good as I've never shared it with anyone.
    I was thinking though since I don't really have any money that I could give it to him for christmas or our upcoming 2 yr anniversary.
    The only thing is though that a few of the things I write about as it is all non fiction in the form of fiction are kind of embarrassing. Not like oh gosh you did that embarrassing but more like how I portray myself? I think it is something he would like if I shared it with him but it also mentions a one night stand I had. I don't know if I could just tell him it was loosely based on that night and not everything is true. Also if I gave it to him should I try to finish it, Im not sure that it would have the same tone if I did as it was a weird urge that made me do it in the first place.

    Any thoughts?

    Is it possible you could pull things from it and combine it into a shorter, finished, polished story? As opposed to sending it to him unfinished? If I were you, I would either find a way to re-write it into something shorter or I would end up finishing it or at least giving it an ending. :P

    In regards to the one night stand... I think it all depends on how it's done. For example, I can't imagine your SO would want to open a book and read an explicit sex scene between you and someone else, and if it's the only thing in the book that's "loosely based" on reality, then that's something I might cut out. It might seem suspicious if you say "it's all mostly true, except the one night stand, that's only loosely based on reality; I fluffed it up with fiction." Then again, maybe I'm paranoid and would psychoanalyse that more than most. :P

    But I think it sounds like a nice idea, really. I'd considered writing my partner a short as well, but I haven't decided yet if I want to go ahead with it.
    { Our Story on LFAD }

    Our Beginning
    Met online: February 2009
    Feelings confessed: December 2010
    Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
    Officially together since: 08 April 2011

    Our Story
    First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
    Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
    Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
    Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

    Our Happily Ever After
    to be continued...


      The way its written is in the present but then there are little inserts into the past to help describe what they are all doing there and who each person is. I could probably cut a couple parts out but it might not be the same. I think maybe if i give it to him I'll try to whip up some sort of ending. Maybe some magical power will give me the same motivation I had to finish it.


        The way its written is in the present but then there are little inserts into the past to help describe what they are all doing there and who each person is. I could probably cut a couple parts out but it might not be the same. I think maybe if i give it to him I'll try to whip up some sort of ending. Maybe some magical power will give me the same motivation I had to finish it.

