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A girl who find love on the railway...

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    A girl who find love on the railway...

    Hi! I'm Maria and I'm 17. I live in Poland near to the our capital city Warsaw, in a village. I'm going to the high school in Warsaw and more time of my daily life I spend in this city. I'm writing a fantasy book and poems. I love learning foreign languages - I learn English, German, Italian and Finnish. My true passion is writing. But I also like singing very much. I prefer rock and classical singing. I love music and it's my second interest. Music is my analgesic. It helps me with my complicated life. I always thinkin' about my life and I'm interested in philosophy, psychology and parapsychology. I love travelling. I grew up in many cities in Poland - railway stations were my daily life, so I'm used to travelling and I really enjoy it! ) I love trains - recently are my big inspiration. And my next interest is of course photographing. It's giving me inspiration to writing and makin' visions in my mind.
    My boyfriend lives 250 miles away from me. We met on the net and since 6 months we're together. Lot of time I spend on journey - I love railway! I remember when I was a child and my parents have had a similar situation and their taking me for a journey many times. It's a nice coincidence, that my boyfriend lives in region, where my mum's family lives! So our first meeting, before talking on the net was easier than I could think about. We have the same interests - of course music, because we met through our music taste on! When I met him, my life changed of 180 degrees. I started to think about the future - coming to university in the same city, living together, develop passions and maybe create a family. I sign here, because sometimes I feel so alone... When he's not by my side ;(( I feel only pain, because I have no family support and unfortunately those I love are away from me (my bf and lot of my best friends). I'm crying when he have to come back to his place. I'm crying when I have to come back. The distance is killing me, but our love is so strong, that I know we'll survive. I need him so much, but I know that I have to wait for his coming. I'd like to have him so close to myself, but I know, it's impossible. We have only 2 years of high school - 2 years loving from a distance. I believe we'll survive, then we'll wake up in the same bed so close to each other... I live on tracks, and when I get on the train I feel this marvelous euphoria, for which I want to live - because I want to live for him to make him happy

    Welcome to LFAD! everyone here understands what you are going through!!



      My boyfriend's from Warsaw. He's also about to graduate PW with a degree in Transport/Logistyka Kolejowa, so he's a train enthusiast as well.

      Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


        Welcome to LFAD


          Thanks for a nice welcome!
          My boyfriend's from Warsaw. He's also about to graduate PW with a degree in Transport/Logistyka Kolejowa, so he's a train enthusiast as well
          Wow! PW is a great technic university in our country! Congratulations to your boyfriend, because is one of the best in Poland! Hah, that's great - I know something about it, because I love trains I grew up in many cities in Poland, because of my parents (they lived in a LDR too! ) I'm in the high school in Warsaw, but I'm thinking about UW or PW for studies
          Last edited by marentora; May 30, 2012, 03:14 AM.


            aww i love how you have decribed your passions and love for trains that was nice hehe welcome to LFAD when you feel lonley you can always come here and read inspirational posts and blogs people have written have a great stay


              Thank you so much! When I found this website and forum I thought is a place for me and I know, it was a very good idea to register here I missed this - talking with people in similar situation. I feel inspired by the stories of others and it helps me to persevere, because I feel support. Fortunately, I will be in his arms at 10 pm of my local time on Warsaw Central Railway Station Our frequent trips to each other give me the desire to live, because I love trains and most on the world - I love him


                Originally posted by marentora View Post
                Thanks for a nice welcome!

                Wow! PW is a great technic university in our country! Congratulations to your boyfriend, because is one of the best in Poland! Hah, that's great - I know something about it, because I love trains I grew up in many cities in Poland, because of my parents (they lived in a LDR too! ) I'm in the high school in Warsaw, but I'm thinking about UW or PW for studies
                He's planning to get his Master's in Germany, though. He wasn't really that happy with his department.
                I'm going to be studying at UW from October

                Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                  Welcome to LFAD!


                    Hi and welcome!

                    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.

