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Med School LDR

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    Med School LDR

    Hi everyone, my name is Gracie. My boyfriend, Jonathan, and I have been together for a little over 2 years. We were classmates at USC and we just graduated together and celebrated our second anniversary in May. He is now going to medical school at an international program in Guadalajara and I am staying here in Los Angeles to pursue my career. Hopefully for his fourth year, he will be able to score internships at USC/UCLA/somewhere else in Southern California so we can have at least a little time together before he spends his fifth year in New York becoming certified as an American M.D.

    This is my second LDR-my high school boyfriend (who went to NYU and was a year ahead in school) and I were in an LDR for 3 out of the 4 years we were together, but unfortunately he ended up cheating quite a few times and it didn't work out as a result. However, I'd like to think that I can use what I learned then to do even better this time-maybe fate was trying to prepare me for this LDR?

    I believe Jonathan and I can make it through these years but I would really appreciate all the support I can get, and since I've done LDR before, if there are any high-school and/or college LDR'ers (is that a word?) who'd like to talk, I'd be happy to offer you any support/advice that I can.

    Thanks everyone, I'm excited to have found a place to talk/vent/share this experience with others
    “Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” -Winnie the Pooh

    Very cute! =] Glad to have you here fellow newbie! Hope you enjoy your time here. =3


      Welcome to LFAD! And sure seems like you've found a great boyfriend, I wish you the best!


        Thanks, guys! I see you two are both newbies to the site also... are you currently in LDRs or just starting them?
        “Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” -Winnie the Pooh


          Hey! Im from LA! My family is from Guadalajara... and Im at NYU medical school! Lol. My SO is about to start culinary arts school in sacramento and we have been in an ldr for two and a half years. Med school can take a big toll on you but we have managed to have our relationship be the best remedy. I wish the same for you both and that he is able to come back to LA soon. Ill be around is you wanna chat =)




              Hi Belle! What an awesome coincidence! Another coincidence is I happen to work part-time at a certain famous theme park in Southern California and what I do in that theme park involves performing and it might also involve a certain animated Princess who shares your name hehe sorry for being so cryptic, it's in the job description.

              Anyway, I would LOVE to chat more, as I'm sure you would have tons of useful info for me about how I can be supportive of him since med school is basically the hardest time ever! And I would love to learn more about Mexico/Guadalajara since you have family there... my bf is half mexican/half colombian and has tons of family in Mexico but I've only been to Ensenada for like 5 hours on a cruise one time so I know NOTHING about international calling/communicating/traveling/ANYTHING!

              Thanks for reaching out, everyone... Just had to say goodbye to him and I won't see him until December so it was nice to come home and see these messages/posts from you all
              “Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” -Winnie the Pooh


                I've been in a LDR for almost 2 years now =] And what a couple years it's been!


                  Oh, wow! Milesofadoration, are you two still in school or what's your situation?
                  “Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” -Winnie the Pooh


                    Haha that is another coincidence! Well you can always message me =)! Med school is a bit of a crazy time but I'm proof it can work with a bit of extra effort and imagination.


                      I'm in school... well, in between school. Just graduated from high school and hopefully starting college soon. He works a lot and is in a band that takes up a good bit of time. We are just both pursuing our passions =]



