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This place is such a relief!

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    This place is such a relief!

    Hi all,
    I've only just discovered this community and I can't tell you the relief, my friends and family all think I'm nothing short of insane for my LDR..and sometimes I think they're right! What a release this is going to be!

    I met my boyfriend (still doesn't sound right at 38 and 42 years of age) at work in the UK, we hated each other at first sight! Over 2 years of working together we ended up surgically attached, best friends and everything but the full blown relationship...from the day I met him I knew he was applying to transfer jobs to Australia and I was going nowhere fast with a teenager in the midst of exams. It became painful but we had to be 'grown up' about it and put our careers/children/houses/dogs fact everything but ourselves.

    I helped him with his visa applications, home searches, flight details etc, in fact anything to be involved and detract from how much it felt like impending doom on a daily basis. The stress got worse and we started talking openly about how we would be together if the timing was right...well it wasn’t and I put up a ridiculous act telling him I wanted him to go to fulfil his dreams – despite the fact he asked did I want him to stay, being all heroic I gave him an adamant no and smiled it was all for the best. So the dreaded day came and things got a little crazy, no sooner had he got to the departure gate that I had ‘a moment’ and blurted out “I love you”!!

    Anyhow, two and a half years later and we’re still together, I’ve been to Aus twice and we’ve holidayed in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore which has been amazing but now decision time is upon us and we’re determined not to break the three year mark without making marriage plans and looking at me moving. He’s currently posted in the outback but is about to move to a coastal town where we can settle and enjoy each other at last.

    Things haven’t been easy, in fact they’re a nightmare, I have an 18yr old who is determined to dislike him for no other reason than only a teenage girl can muster, his young daughter is being used by his ex (of 8yrs...not my doing!!) as emotional blackmail as she wants a work visa that she’s so not getting, my Mum totally objects to it all so is being as uncooperative as humanly possible, I’ll have to quit my career as a police officer and my 15yr old cat is giving me a headache in case she’s not fit to travel. Oh and these things are the tip of the iceberg!!!! My friends think I’m too old to be ‘messing about’ and they may very well be right.

    But we’re determined, he’s worked hard in awful conditions to gain a move to where we both want and we still manage to talk every day despite shifts and the pain of a time difference which stops us doing movie nights etc. I have no doubt Ian is THE man I was always supposed to meet and I would go through the world of pain all over again so long as the outcome is us together.

    If you’re still awake after that then I appreciate you listening to my tale of woe, phew....does that feel better!

    Welcome to LFAD
    Read my LDR story!


      Welcome to LFAD

      I'm kind of in the moving stage myself.
      I'll be moving from Sweden to Los Angeles, if my visa get approved which it should but you'll never know.
      I wish you the best of luck!


        Welcome to LFAD!

        I'm sorry your friends and family are giving you a hard time - you're never too old to love and to fight to be with the one you want. You're not old yet anyway!

        I'm sure in time everyone will accept your decision when they see you really are serious and determined to make this happen. In the meanwhile I wish you the best of luck with everything and you are right, this place is the greatest!



          This place is heaven-sent to me, too. No matter the age and no matter the distance, love is strong, important, and very much real.

          I can understand your 18 year old not liking him to a degree (I hated my dad's wife/girlfriend but that was after I got to know her) but that's OK. Eventually the bull-headedness will wear thin. I feel bad for him too, what with his ex using their child like that. Parents shouldn't do that! But, we're here to support, listen, and let you know the paradise is worth the momentary purgatory!


            First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14



              Welcome to LFAD!! Glad to have you here!


                Welcome to LFAD!!
                "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
                "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
                "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

                Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


                  WOW! You know, I am older too, my BF is 41...we both have children. Mine are not old as yours but its difficult. Being older and in an LDR, people think we are crazy. People think that we should just "settle' because we aren't getting any thanks! Since I am not getting younger I want to be with the one I want to be with...this is just a little speed bump in the road.

                  Its hard though, that since you guys have spent time together and worked together, you would think that they would be more understanding. I am sorry that you have to go through this. but it sounds lilke you will make it through!


                    Welcome : )

